Páginas amarelas

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The Yellow Pages refers to a directory of businesses, typically categorized by the type of product or service they provide. Originating in 1883, the term ‘Yellow Pages’ has become a globally recognized term, not specific to any country or region. Its name stemmed from an incident where a printer used yellow paper, instead of white. The first official directory was created by Reuben H. Donnelley in 1886. Traditionally published annually and distributed for free, the Yellow Pages has adapted over time, with a substantial online presence known as Internet[1] Yellow Pages, or IYP. Despite this, the use of printed directories has declined due to the rise of internet search engines. The Yellow Pages are known for their ‘Walking Fingers’ logo, which is widely used but not trademarked.

Definições de termos
1. Internet ( Internet ) A Internet é um sistema global de redes informáticas interligadas que utilizam protocolos de comunicação normalizados, principalmente o TCP/IP, para ligar dispositivos em todo o mundo. Com origem no termo "internetted" utilizado em 1849, o termo "Internet" foi mais tarde utilizado pelo Departamento de Guerra dos EUA em 1945. O seu desenvolvimento começou com cientistas informáticos que criaram sistemas de partilha de tempo na década de 1960 e progrediu com a criação da ARPANET em 1969. A Internet é autónoma, sem uma autoridade central, e os seus principais espaços de nomes são administrados pela Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Transformou significativamente os meios de comunicação tradicionais e tem crescido exponencialmente ao longo dos anos, com os utilizadores da Internet a aumentarem anualmente de 20% para 50%. Em 2019, mais de metade da população mundial utilizou a Internet. O conjunto de protocolos da Internet, que inclui o TCP/IP e quatro camadas conceptuais, orienta os pacotes da Internet para os seus destinos. Serviços essenciais como o correio eletrónico e a telefonia via Internet funcionam na Internet. A World Wide Web, uma coleção global de documentos interligados, é uma componente essencial da Internet.
Páginas amarelas (Wikipédia)

O yellow pages são telephone directories ou businesses, organized by category rather than alphabetically by business name, in which advertising is sold. The directories were originally printed on yellow paper, as opposed to white pages for non-commercial listings. The traditional term "yellow pages" is now also applied to online directories of businesses.

Yellow Pages
2004 Yellow Pages for Auckland, New Zealand
PaiVarious (United States), Yell (United Kingdom); Yellow Pages Group (Canada), Directories Philippines Corporation (Philippines)
CategoriesBusiness directory
PublisherVarious (United States), Yell (United Kingdom); Bell Canada (Canada), Directories Philippines Corporation (Philippines)
Fundada1886; 138 years ago (1886)
First issue1886
Final issue2019 (United Kingdom)
CountryEstados Unidos
Reino Unido
New Zealand
Based inVarious

In many countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and elsewhere, "Yellow Pages" (or any applicable local translations), as well as the "Walking Fingers" logo introduced in the 1970s by the Bell System–era AT&T, are registered trademarks, though the owner varies from country to country, usually being held by the main national telephone company (or a subsidiary or spinoff thereof). However, in the United States, neither the name nor the logo was registered as trademarks by AT&T, and they are freely used by several publishers.

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