As redes sociais na educação

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As redes sociais na educação[1] refers to the utilization of online platforms and networks by students and teachers to enhance the learning experience. These platforms can include popular sites like Facebook[4], YouTube[5], or emerging technologies like TikTok[6]. This approach to education aims to increase student engagement, facilitate communication, and foster collaboration inside and outside the classroom. However, it also presents challenges such as privacidade[7] concerns, professionalism, and digital literacy issues. The integration of redes sociais[3] in education has been studied extensively, with researchers exploring its effects on academic performance, collaborative learning, and professional development. Looking ahead, the role of social media in education continues to evolve with new trends and innovations, including the influence of social media influencers and the integration of inteligência artificial[2] in educational platforms.

Definições de termos
1. As redes sociais na educação ( Social media in education )
1 Social media in education refers to the practice of using social media platforms as tools to enhance learning and teaching processes. It's a dynamic phenomenon that has evolved rapidly alongside technological advancements. It includes utilizing platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and various learning management systems to connect students with educational resources and organizations. This practice has been adopted globally, with different countries like the US and Canada implementing policies to support its integration into classrooms. Though it has numerous benefits such as facilitating information distribution, enhancing interaction, and extending learning beyond classrooms, it also presents challenges. These include potential distractions, risks of inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and possible negative impacts on mental health. The use of social media in education is a topic of ongoing research and debate, exploring its opportunities and difficulties.
2 Social media in education refers to the utilization of online platforms and networks by students and teachers to enhance the learning experience. These platforms can include popular sites like Facebook, YouTube, or emerging technologies like TikTok. This approach to education aims to increase student engagement, facilitate communication, and foster collaboration inside and outside the classroom. However, it also presents challenges such as privacy concerns, professionalism, and digital literacy issues. The integration of social media in education has been studied extensively, with researchers exploring its effects on academic performance, collaborative learning, and professional development. Looking ahead, the role of social media in education continues to evolve with new trends and innovations, including the influence of social media influencers and the integration of artificial intelligence in educational platforms.
2. inteligência artificial.
1 A Inteligência Artificial (IA) refere-se ao domínio da ciência da computação que tem por objetivo criar sistemas capazes de realizar tarefas que normalmente exigiriam a inteligência humana. Estas tarefas incluem o raciocínio, a aprendizagem, o planeamento, a perceção e a compreensão da linguagem. A IA tem origem em diferentes domínios, incluindo a psicologia, a linguística, a filosofia e a neurociência. Este domínio é proeminente no desenvolvimento de modelos de aprendizagem automática e de sistemas de processamento de linguagem natural. Desempenha também um papel importante na criação de assistentes virtuais e de sistemas de computação afectiva. As aplicações da IA estendem-se a vários sectores, incluindo os cuidados de saúde, a indústria, a administração pública e a educação. Apesar dos seus benefícios, a IA também suscita preocupações éticas e sociais, exigindo políticas regulamentares. A IA continua a evoluir com técnicas avançadas, como a aprendizagem profunda e a IA generativa, oferecendo novas possibilidades em vários sectores.
2 A Inteligência Artificial, vulgarmente conhecida por IA, é um domínio da ciência informática dedicado à criação de máquinas inteligentes que executam tarefas que normalmente requerem o intelecto humano. Estas tarefas incluem a resolução de problemas, o reconhecimento do discurso, a compreensão da linguagem natural e a tomada de decisões. A IA divide-se em dois tipos: a IA restrita, que é concebida para executar uma tarefa específica, como o reconhecimento de voz, e a IA geral, que pode executar quaisquer tarefas intelectuais que um ser humano possa fazer. É uma tecnologia em constante evolução que se baseia em vários domínios, incluindo a informática, a matemática, a psicologia, a linguística e a neurociência. Os conceitos fundamentais da IA incluem o raciocínio, a representação do conhecimento, o planeamento, o processamento da linguagem natural e a perceção. A IA tem aplicações abrangentes em vários sectores, desde os cuidados de saúde e os jogos até ao militar e à criatividade, e as suas considerações e desafios éticos são fundamentais para o seu desenvolvimento e implementação.

As redes sociais na educação is the use of redes sociais to enhance education. Social media is "a group of Internet-based applications...that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content". It is also known as the read/write web. As time went on and technology evolved, social media has been an integral part of people's lives, including students, scholars, and teachers in the form of social media. However, social media is controversial because in addition to providing new means of connection, critics claim that it damages self-esteem, shortens attention spans, and increases mental health issues.

A 2016 dissertation presented surveys that focused on the impact of social media. It reported that 54.6% of students believed that social media affected their studies positively (38% agree, 16.6% strongly agree). About 40% disagreed, and 4.7% of students strongly disagreed. 53% of female students reported that social media negatively impacted their studies. Among male students, 40% agreed that social media had a negative impact on studies, while 59% disagreed.

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