Relações públicas

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Relações públicas[1], often abbreviated as PR, is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. This field, which traces its roots back to the early 20th century with key figures like Ivy Lee and Edward Louis Bernays, primarily focuses on managing the perception of an organization among its stakeholders. The role of PR professionals can vary from designing communication campaigns to managing crisis situations. They work across different sectors such as PR firms, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. PR tactics can include financial communication, consumidor[3] publicity[2], crisis response, legal dispute management, and government engagement. PR professionals also follow ethical codes and international standards to balance public and private interests.

Definições de termos
1. Relações públicas ( Public relations )
1 As relações públicas, muitas vezes abreviadas como RP, são um domínio complexo que gira principalmente em torno da gestão da comunicação entre uma organização e as suas partes interessadas. Trata-se de um processo de comunicação estratégica que ajuda as organizações e os indivíduos a construir relações mutuamente benéficas com o público. As raízes das relações públicas remontam ao século XX, mas foram pioneiros como Ivy Lee e Edward Bernays que definiram a sua prática atual. Na sua essência, as RP envolvem a gestão da divulgação de informações com o objetivo de influenciar a opinião e a perceção do público. As principais responsabilidades dos profissionais de RP incluem a conceção de campanhas de comunicação, a gestão da reputação, a gestão de crises, o conhecimento da marca e a gestão de eventos. Também tiram partido das plataformas das redes sociais para o marketing e adaptam as mensagens às diferentes necessidades do público. Apesar da sua importância, esta área é alvo de críticas devido a práticas negativas, como o spin e comportamentos pouco éticos. No entanto, para contrariar estas críticas, organizações como a CIPR, a PRSA e a IPR publicaram códigos de ética para orientar os profissionais de RP.
2 As relações públicas, muitas vezes abreviadas como RP, são um processo de comunicação estratégica que cria relações mutuamente benéficas entre as organizações e os seus públicos. Este domínio, cujas raízes remontam ao início do século XX, com figuras-chave como Ivy Lee e Edward Louis Bernays, centra-se principalmente na gestão da perceção de uma organização junto dos seus intervenientes. O papel dos profissionais de RP pode variar desde a conceção de campanhas de comunicação até à gestão de situações de crise. Trabalham em diferentes sectores, como empresas de RP, agências governamentais e organizações sem fins lucrativos. As tácticas de RP podem incluir a comunicação financeira, a publicidade junto dos consumidores, a resposta a crises, a gestão de litígios jurídicos e o envolvimento do governo. Os profissionais de RP também seguem códigos de ética e normas internacionais para equilibrar os interesses públicos e privados.
2. publicity. Publicity, derived from the French word 'publicité', is a strategic promotional tool aimed at intentional consumer exposure. It began in the 19th century United States where companies utilized explanations, demonstrations, and exaggerations to gain public attention. Later, the approach was refined by Albert Lasker who introduced consumer psychology into advertising. Though often mistaken as a form of sales promotion, publicity serves as a result of public relations, providing favorable information to media and third-party outlets. The role of a publicist is crucial in this realm, as they generate, manage, and shape publicity to influence the public's view of companies, individuals, or works. Negative publicity, while potentially damaging to a brand's reputation and revenue, can be managed through strategies such as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Despite the common misconception, a significant portion of publicity is not free but paid for.

Relações públicas (PR) is the practice of managing and disseminating information from an individual or an organization (como um business, government agency, ou um nonprofit organization) to the public in order to influence their perception. Public relations and publicity differ in that PR is controlled internally, whereas publicity is not controlled and contributed by external parties. Public relations may include an organization or individual gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment. The exposure is mostly meios de comunicação-based, and this differentiates it from advertising as a form of marketing communications. Public relations aims to create or obtain coverage for clients for free, also known as earned media, rather than paying for marketing or advertising also known as paid media. But in the early 21st century, advertising is also a part of broader PR activities.

Media conferences are one approach used in public relations.

An example of good public relations would be generating an article featuring a PR firm's client, rather than paying for the client to be advertised next to the article. The aim of public relations is to inform the public, prospective customers, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders, and persuade them to maintain a positive or favorable view about the organization, its leadership, products, or political decisions. Public relations professionals typically work for PR and marketing firms, businesses and companies, governmente public officials as public information officers e nongovernmental organizations, and nonprofit organizations. Jobs central to public relations include internal positions such as public relations coordinator, public relations specialist, and public relations manager, and outside agency positions such as account coordinator, account executive, account supervisor, and media relations manager.

Public relations specialists establish and maintain relationships with an organization's target audience, the media, relevant trade media, and other opinion leaders. Common responsibilities include designing communications campaigns, writing press releases and other content for news, working with the press, arranging interviews for company spokespeople, writing speeches for company leaders, acting as an organization's spokesperson, preparing clients for press conferences, media interviews and speeches, writing sítio Web e redes sociais content, managing company reputation (crisis management), managing internal communications, and marketing activities like brand awareness and event management. Success in the field of public relations requires a deep understanding of the interests and concerns of each of the company's many stakeholders. The public relations professional must know how to effectively address those concerns using the most powerful tool of the public relations trade, which is publicity.

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