Conselho de Supervisão (Meta)

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The Oversight Board, also known as Meta, was an initiative approved by CEO Mark Zuckerberg in November 2018, and started its operations officially in October 2020. It’s an independent entity modeled after the U.S. federal judicial system and has been likened to a Supreme Court for Facebook[1]. The board, comprising members from over 27 countries who speak 29 languages, is tasked with improving fairness in appeals processes, promoting free expression, and enhancing transparency. It also hears appeals from both Facebook and its users, and its decisions have set significant precedents for content moderation on Facebook and Instagram[2]. The Oversight Board has faced various criticisms and has been closely watched by the public and the media for its influence on Facebook’s content policies.

Definições de termos
1. Facebook ( Facebook ) O Facebook, atualmente conhecido como Meta Platforms, é uma grande empresa da Internet que começou como uma plataforma de rede social. Fundado por Mark Zuckerberg em 2004, o Facebook expandiu-se rapidamente de Harvard para outras universidades e, mais tarde, para o público em geral, tornando-se um fenómeno global. É conhecido pela sua interface de fácil utilização e por várias funcionalidades, como os Grupos, a Plataforma para Programadores e o Facebook Dating. Apesar de ser criticado por questões como a violação da privacidade e a difusão de notícias falsas, o Facebook continua a ser um ator dominante no mundo online. Fez progressos significativos no domínio da tecnologia, incluindo o desenvolvimento do seu sistema único de armazenamento de dados, a utilização de PHP na sua plataforma e o lançamento da linguagem de programação Hack. Nos últimos anos, a empresa mudou o seu foco para o metaverso, um espaço de realidade virtual onde os utilizadores podem interagir com um ambiente gerado por computador.
2. Instagram ( Instagram ) Instagram is a social media platform, initially released in 2010 by founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. It started as a check-in application named Burbn but later pivoted to a photo-sharing app, leading to the name Instagram. The platform is widely recognized for its photo and video sharing capabilities, complemented by features like hashtags, stories, and direct messaging. It has undergone significant growth and evolution over the years, expanding to multiple operating systems and continuously adding new tools and features. These include IGTV, Reels, and live streaming enhancements, aiming to enhance user experience. Instagram also focuses on user safety, implementing child safety policies, and privacy measures. It has become a key player in digital marketing, with advertising initiatives and influencer engagement strategies.

O Oversight Board is a body that makes consequential precedent-setting content moderation decisions (see Table of decisions below) on the redes sociais platforms Facebook e Instagram, in a form of "platform self-governance".

Oversight Board
Purpose"… promot[ing] free expression by making principled, independent decisions … issuing recommendations on the relevant Facebook company content policy."

Meta (then Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerberg approved the creation of the board in November 2018, shortly after a meeting with Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman, who had proposed the creation of a quasi-judiciary on Facebook. Zuckerberg originally described it as a kind of "Supreme Court", given its role in settlement, negotiation, and mediation, including the power to override the company's decisions.

Zuckerberg first announced the idea in November 2018, and, after a period of public consultation, the board's 20 founding members were announced in May 2020. The board officially began its work on October 22, 2020, and issued its first five decisions on January 28, 2021, with four out of the five overturning Facebook's actions with respect to the matters appealed. It has been subject to substantial media speculation and coverage since its announcement, and has remained so following the referral of Facebook's decision to suspend Donald Trump after the 2021 United States Capitol attack.

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