Meios de comunicação social

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News media is a term that encompasses various methods of disseminating news and information to the public. It all began with the circulation of written news during the Renaissance era in Europe, eventually evolving into printed news in the late 1400s. The English and American newspapers emerged in the 17th century, setting the stage for the newspaper evolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. Over time, the news media industry has expanded to include broadcasting[1], which involves transmitting audio and video signals to large or small audiences. Today, journalism exists in many formats, including televisão[2], radio, and online platforms. These developments have led to a range of news media forms, including newspapers, newsmagazines, and online journalism, each with their unique processes, features, and challenges. News media plays a crucial role in informing the public, shaping opinions, and maintaining media integrity in the face of emerging issues such as fake news[3].

Definições de termos
1. broadcasting. Broadcasting, a key aspect in the realm of communication, has a rich and diverse history. It began with the transmission of telegraph signals over airwaves using Morse code, evolving into wireless communication and commercial radio broadcasting for news and entertainment. Broadcasting methods have advanced over the years, from central high-powered towers transmitting electromagnetic waves to receivers, to the digital age of streaming services. This influential technology plays an essential role in disseminating information and entertainment, shaping society, culture, and communication. Broadcasting encompasses various methods like radio, television, and internet streaming, and different types of services, such as public, community, and commercial. Technological advances have transformed the industry, with the internet and mobile devices making broadcasting more accessible globally.
2. televisão. A televisão é uma tecnologia que transmite imagens visuais e sonoras. O termo vem do grego antigo e do latim, significando "visão distante". Utilizado pela primeira vez em 1900 por Constantin Perskyi, era conhecido como "telephote" e "televista" nas primeiras propostas. A televisão evoluiu a partir da digitalização mecânica de imagens, tendo o disco de Nipkow, patenteado em 1884, desempenhado um papel crucial. Inicialmente, os sinais de televisão eram transmitidos através de radiodifusão terrestre, mas atualmente incluem o cabo coaxial, a fibra ótica, os sistemas de satélite e a Internet. Os aparelhos de televisão têm circuitos electrónicos internos, incluindo um sintonizador para receber os sinais. Sem um sintonizador, trata-se de um monitor de vídeo. A radiodifusão a cores foi introduzida em meados da década de 1960 e, atualmente, existem televisores inteligentes com ligação à Internet. Atualmente, 79% dos lares em todo o mundo possuem um televisor e os principais fabricantes produzem televisores inteligentes.

O meios de comunicação social ou news industry are forms of meios de comunicação social that focus on delivering news to the general public. These include news agencies, jornais, news magazines, news channels etc.

Electronic news-gathering trucks and photojournalists gathered outside the Prudential Financial headquarters em Newark, Estados Unidos in August 2004 following the announcement of evidence of a terrorist threat to it and to buildings in New York City.
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