Marketing buzz

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Marketing buzz refers to the widespread conversation and excitement around a particular product, event, or marketing campaign. This strategy involves creating anticipation, leveraging influencers, and turning individuals into customers. The effectiveness of marketing buzz is often measured through redes sociais[1] metrics such as views, shares, and clicks. Positive marketing buzz can significantly boost product sales[5], web traffic[2], and even affect stock market performance. Conversely, negative buzz can harm a product’s success. In the digital age, online reviews and direct customer[3] interaction on social media platforms like Twitter[4] have become key in generating marketing buzz. Companies like Amazon and Netflix have successfully harnessed this strategy by using customer behavior patterns to offer personalized experiences.

Definições de termos
1. redes sociais. Os meios de comunicação social são um termo abrangente que engloba uma variedade de ferramentas e plataformas digitais que facilitam a partilha de informações e a criação de comunidades virtuais. Surgindo dos primeiros sistemas, como o PLATO e a ARPANET, evoluíram para plataformas modernas como o Facebook e o Twitter. Estas plataformas oferecem características únicas que as diferenciam dos meios de comunicação tradicionais, incluindo a possibilidade de os utilizadores gerarem conteúdos e participarem em comunicações dialógicas. Atendem a mais de 100 milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo e oferecem diferentes formas de serviços, como aplicações de mensagens e plataformas de criação de conteúdos em colaboração. A utilização das redes sociais tem impactos de grande alcance nos indivíduos, na sociedade e nas empresas, influenciando tudo, desde as práticas de marketing aos processos políticos. No entanto, está também associada a preocupações éticas, como a disseminação de desinformação e a potencial dependência.
2. web traffic. Web traffic, the main subject of this text, is an essential aspect of digital business. In simple terms, it refers to the number of people visiting a website. These visits, also known as 'hits,' provide valuable data about the website's popularity and performance. Analysis of this data, known as web analytics, helps businesses understand visitor behavior and optimize their online presence. Monitoring web traffic can also highlight potential issues, like traffic overload, which can slow or crash a website. Various tools and strategies, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and online advertising, can increase web traffic. However, it's important to manage this growth carefully to ensure the website can handle increased activity and isn't overwhelmed. Additionally, limiting access to certain parts of the website or to certain users is another aspect of managing web traffic, which helps maintain security and performance.
Marketing buzz (Wikipédia)

Marketing buzz or simply buzz—a term used in viral marketing—is the interaction of consumers and users with a product or service which amplifies or alters the original marketing message. This emotion, energy, excitement, or anticipation about a product or service can be positive or negative. Buzz can be generated by intentional marketing activities by the brand owner or it can be the result of an independent event that enters public awareness through social or traditional media such as jornais. Marketing buzz originally referred to oral communication but in the age of Web 2.0, redes sociais tais como Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e YouTube are now the dominant communication channels for marketing buzz.

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