Ambiente de mercado

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The Market Environment is a broad concept incorporating all the external and internal factors that influence a company’s marketing decisions. Internal factors include various departments like management, finance, research and development, purchasing, and accounting, that shape the company’s individuality. Conversely, the external factors consist of components outside the organization, such as customers, partners, and competitors, which form the micro-environment, and larger societal forces like demography, economy, tecnologia[2], politics, and culture, known as the macro-environment. Companies perform Market Environment Analysis by using tools like PEST and SWOT to understand these influences better. They also engage in activities such as market-scanning and market-shaping to monitor and actively shape the market conditions, respectively, for gaining a competitive advantage[1].

Definições de termos
1. competitive advantage. Competitive Advantage is a key business concept that refers to the unique ability of a company to outperform its industry rivals. It is achieved through various strategies identified by Michael Porter, a foremost authority in strategic management. These include cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. Cost leadership involves the production of goods or services at a lower cost, granting higher profit margins. Differentiation, on the other hand, entails offering unique products or services that stand out in the market. Lastly, the focus strategy targets specific market segments to optimize resource utilization. Factors internal to a company, such as positioning, corporate identity, and core competencies, also contribute to competitive advantage. However, advantages can sometimes be classified as unfair if they grant benefits to a business that are not accessible to others, hence disrupting market fairness. Government bodies often intervene in such cases to maintain fair market dynamics. Furthermore, the resource-based view of a firm and its capacity for innovation are other key determinants of competitive advantage.
2. tecnologia. A tecnologia, derivada das palavras gregas que significam ofício e conhecimento, é um termo amplo que se refere às ferramentas, máquinas e sistemas desenvolvidos pelo homem para resolver problemas ou cumprir objectivos. Com origem em ferramentas primitivas como os machados de pedra e a descoberta do fogo, a tecnologia evoluiu significativamente ao longo da história da humanidade. Foi fundamental em diferentes épocas, desde a invenção da roda e dos sistemas avançados de irrigação nas civilizações antigas até ao nascimento das universidades e da imprensa durante os períodos medieval e renascentista. A Revolução Industrial, no século XVIII, marcou uma mudança significativa na produção em massa e na inovação, dando origem a tecnologias modernas como a eletricidade, os automóveis e as plataformas de comunicação digital. Hoje em dia, a tecnologia faz parte integrante de vários aspectos da vida e da sociedade, impulsionando o crescimento económico e a mudança social, ao mesmo tempo que suscita preocupações sobre a segurança, a privacidade e os impactos ambientais. Espera-se que o futuro da tecnologia traga ainda mais avanços, prevendo-se que o aumento da inteligência artificial tenha implicações significativas no mercado de trabalho.
Ambiente de mercado (Wikipédia)

Ambiente de mercado e business environment são marketing terms that refer to factors and forces that affect a firm's ability to build and maintain successful customer relationships. The business environment has been defined as "the totality of physical and social factors that are taken directly into consideration in the decision-making behaviour of individuals in the organisation."

The three levels of the environment are as follows:

  1. Internal environment – the internal elements of the organisation used to create, communicate and deliver market offerings.
  2. External micro environment – Local forces that affect its ability to serve its customers.
  3. External macro environment – larger societal forces that affect the survival of the organisation, including the demographic environment, the political environment, the cultural environment, the natural environment, the technological environment and the economic environment. The analysis of the macro marketing environment is to better understand the environment, adapt to the social environment and change, so as to achieve the purpose of enterprise marketing.
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