Lista de funcionalidades do Facebook

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Facebook[3] is a well-known redes sociais[2] platform that offers a multitude of features to its users. The platform is structured with several key components: the News Feed, Friends, Wall, Timeline, and Likes and Reactions. The News Feed showcases a variety of content, from profile updates to conversations, and uses an algorithm[4] known as EdgeRank[5] to curate this content. The Friends feature allows users to connect with others by sending and accepting friend requests. The Wall was the original space for user content, which has since been replaced by the Timeline, a chronological display of user activity. Lastly, Likes and Reactions allow users to interact with various content, with these interactions visible to their friends. Facebook also provides options for users to control their privacy settings[1] and customize the content they share with their friends. This comprehensive set of features makes Facebook a versatile tool for online communication and content sharing.

Definições de termos
1. privacy settings. This text primarily discusses the concept of "Privacy Settings." Privacy settings are a crucial feature on social networking services and other online platforms that allow users to control who can access their personal information. These settings play a pivotal role in protecting users from privacy leaks, although their effectiveness can be compromised through others' connections or by default settings that encourage oversharing. User attitudes, understanding of privacy policies, and the accessibility of privacy settings all influence personal and interpersonal privacy management. Enhancements to privacy settings, such as design improvements and the adoption of privacy by design principles, can help mitigate risks of unintentional information sharing. Companies often adjust these settings to balance user privacy with their own data collection needs. Privacy management tools, including software and trust-based negotiations, offer additional control over privacy policies.
2. redes sociais. Os meios de comunicação social são um termo abrangente que engloba uma variedade de ferramentas e plataformas digitais que facilitam a partilha de informações e a criação de comunidades virtuais. Surgindo dos primeiros sistemas, como o PLATO e a ARPANET, evoluíram para plataformas modernas como o Facebook e o Twitter. Estas plataformas oferecem características únicas que as diferenciam dos meios de comunicação tradicionais, incluindo a possibilidade de os utilizadores gerarem conteúdos e participarem em comunicações dialógicas. Atendem a mais de 100 milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo e oferecem diferentes formas de serviços, como aplicações de mensagens e plataformas de criação de conteúdos em colaboração. A utilização das redes sociais tem impactos de grande alcance nos indivíduos, na sociedade e nas empresas, influenciando tudo, desde as práticas de marketing aos processos políticos. No entanto, está também associada a preocupações éticas, como a disseminação de desinformação e a potencial dependência.

Facebook é um social-network service website launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg. The following is a list of software and technology features that can be found on the Facebook website and mobile app and are available to users of the redes sociais site.

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