Google Penguin

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Google[5] Penguin is a significant update to Google’s motor de busca[2] algorithm[4] designed to penalize websites that use manipulative techniques to achieve high search rankings. Launched in 2012, it specifically targets websites with doorway pages and those not adhering to Google’s guidelines. Google Penguin has seen several updates, the most notable being Penguin 4.0 in 2016, which became part of Google’s core algorithm and operates in real-time. This latest update assesses websites based on individual URL[6] merits and discredits bad links rather than demoting entire websites. Google provides recovery measures for affected websites, including a feedback form, and recommends building good links while removing bad ones for the best results. Google Penguin plays a key role in Google’s broader algorithm updates, along with Google Panda[3], Google Hummingbird[1], RankBrain, and Mobilegeddon.

Definições de termos
1. Google Hummingbird ( Google Hummingbird ) Google Hummingbird is a search algorithm introduced by Google in September 2013. This tool is significant because it was the first major update since the Caffeine upgrade in 2010. Hummingbird's name is indicative of its speed and accuracy. It's designed to focus on the context of words in a search query, understanding the relationships between keywords to deliver more relevant and human-like search results. This algorithm doesn't just match pages based on individual words, but on their meaning, emphasizing page content and authority. This change affected search engine optimization practices, promoting natural language use, technical features, high-quality content, long-tailed keywords, synonyms, and effective use of on-page elements.
2. motor de busca. Um motor de pesquisa é uma ferramenta vital que funciona como parte de um sistema de computação distribuído. É um sistema de software que responde às consultas dos utilizadores fornecendo uma lista de hiperligações, resumos e imagens. Utiliza um sistema de indexação complexo, que é continuamente atualizado por web crawlers que extraem dados de servidores Web. No entanto, alguns conteúdos permanecem inacessíveis a estes rastreadores. A velocidade e a eficiência de um motor de pesquisa dependem muito do seu sistema de indexação. Os utilizadores interagem com os motores de pesquisa através de um navegador Web ou de uma aplicação, introduzindo consultas e recebendo sugestões à medida que escrevem. Os resultados podem ser filtrados para tipos específicos e o sistema pode ser acedido em vários dispositivos. Esta ferramenta é importante porque permite aos utilizadores navegar na vasta Web, encontrar conteúdos relevantes e recuperar informações de forma eficiente.
Google Penguin (Wikipédia)

Google Penguin was a codename for a Google algorithm update that was first announced on April 24, 2012. The update was aimed at decreasing search engine rankings of websites that violate Google's Webmaster Guidelines by using now declared Grey Hat SEM techniques involved in increasing artificially the ranking of a webpage by manipulating the number of links pointing to the page. Such tactics are commonly described as link schemes. According to Google's John Mueller, as of 2013, Google announced all updates to the Penguin filter to the public.

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