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Ciberpsicologia[1] is a branch of psychology that studies the impact of digital tecnologia[4] on human behavior. It encompasses research on diverse aspects such as the effects of realidade virtual[2] on behavior, cognitive modeling, and the influence of redes sociais[3] on personality disorders, addiction, and anxiety. Cyberpsychology also explores the benefits and challenges of virtual therapy, particularly its effectiveness observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Another significant area of focus is the correlation between social media usage and self-esteem, feelings of social isolation, depression, and addictive behaviors. Its effects on sleep quality and overall well-being are also considered. Cyberpsychology not only impacts other fields like cybersecurity but also has cultural relevance and resources dedicated to its study, including professional bodies, journals, TV shows, and books.

Definições de termos
1. Ciberpsicologia ( Cyberpsychology )
1 Cyberpsychology is a branch of psychology that studies the impact of digital technology on human behavior. It encompasses research on diverse aspects such as the effects of virtual reality on behavior, cognitive modeling, and the influence of social media on personality disorders, addiction, and anxiety. Cyberpsychology also explores the benefits and challenges of virtual therapy, particularly its effectiveness observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Another significant area of focus is the correlation between social media usage and self-esteem, feelings of social isolation, depression, and addictive behaviors. Its effects on sleep quality and overall well-being are also considered. Cyberpsychology not only impacts other fields like cybersecurity but also has cultural relevance and resources dedicated to its study, including professional bodies, journals, TV shows, and books.
2 Cyberpsychology is a branch of psychology that studies the impact of digital technology on human behavior. It encompasses research on diverse aspects such as the effects of virtual reality on behavior, cognitive modeling, and the influence of social media on personality disorders, addiction, and anxiety. Cyberpsychology also explores the benefits and challenges of virtual therapy, particularly its effectiveness observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Another significant area of focus is the correlation between social media usage and self-esteem, feelings of social isolation, depression, and addictive behaviors. Its effects on sleep quality and overall well-being are also considered. Cyberpsychology not only impacts other fields like cybersecurity but also has cultural relevance and resources dedicated to its study, including professional bodies, journals, TV shows, and books.
2. realidade virtual. A realidade virtual, frequentemente abreviada como RV, é uma tecnologia que simula a presença física de um utilizador num ambiente digital. Com origem num termo de meados dos anos 1400, o conceito de RV evoluiu significativamente, com marcos notáveis que incluem o desenvolvimento do primeiro ecrã montado na cabeça e o Sensorama. Os avanços tecnológicos ao longo do tempo permitiram que a RV se expandisse das aplicações médicas e militares para a utilização pelos consumidores. Atualmente, a RV é amplamente utilizada em vários sectores, como os cuidados de saúde, a arquitetura, a educação e o entretenimento. Apesar de enfrentar desafios como o encerramento de laboratórios de investigação e dificuldades no desenvolvimento de hardware, este domínio tem registado inovações significativas. Os principais aspectos da tecnologia de RV incluem a resolução do ecrã, a latência da imagem e o campo de visão, todos cruciais para a criação de experiências imersivas. São utilizadas várias ferramentas e tecnologias, como a linguagem de modelação da realidade virtual (VRML), a WebVR e a fotogrametria, para desenvolver experiências de RV. As considerações de hardware para a produção de RV envolvem frequentemente taxas de fotogramas elevadas, ecrãs baseados em smartphones e câmaras omnidireccionais.
Ciberpsicologia (Wikipédia)

Ciberpsicologia (also known as Internet psychology, web psychology, ou digital psychology) is a scientific inter-disciplinary domain that focuses on the psychological phenomena which emerge as a result of the human interaction with digital tecnologia, particularly the Internet.

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