Marketing de conversão

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Conversion marketing is a strategy aimed at encouraging customers to take specific actions, often referred to as ‘conversions’. These actions can vary based on the individual’s goal, from making a purchase in the case of online retailers, to signing up for a membership for content creators. The effectiveness of this strategy is measured using the conversion rate, which is the ratio of sítio Web[2] visitors who perform the desired action. To increase this rate, conversion marketing involves a range of tactics such as optimizing customer[1] service, personalizing customer experiences, and improving website usability. It also employs various tools and services like behavioral analysis, targeted offers, and personalized communications. Overall, conversion marketing is viewed as a long-term investment for businesses, playing a crucial role in achieving their goals.

Definições de termos
1. customer.
1 The primary entity in this text is the 'customer.' A customer is an individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a business. They are crucial participants in the commercial landscape, forming relationships with businesses through transactions. Customers can also be classified as 'clients,' especially when they receive tailored advice or solutions from a business. The term 'client' originates from Latin, implying a sense of leaning or bending towards a business. Customers vary in types - from end customers who directly buy products or services, to industrial customers who incorporate these goods or services into their own offerings. These customers can have different relationships with the business, such as being employers in construction projects. Businesses often segment their customers into different categories, like entrepreneurs or end users, to better understand and serve them. The understanding and management of customer relationships is a critical area of study and practice in business.
2 The primary entity in this text is the 'customer.' A customer is an individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a business. They are crucial participants in the commercial landscape, forming relationships with businesses through transactions. Customers can also be classified as 'clients,' especially when they receive tailored advice or solutions from a business. The term 'client' originates from Latin, implying a sense of leaning or bending towards a business. Customers vary in types - from end customers who directly buy products or services, to industrial customers who incorporate these goods or services into their own offerings. These customers can have different relationships with the business, such as being employers in construction projects. Businesses often segment their customers into different categories, like entrepreneurs or end users, to better understand and serve them. The understanding and management of customer relationships is a critical area of study and practice in business.
2. sítio Web. Este texto aborda essencialmente o conceito de "sítio Web". Um sítio Web é um conjunto de páginas Web interligadas, geralmente incluindo uma página inicial, localizadas no mesmo servidor e preparadas e mantidas como uma coleção de dados por uma pessoa, grupo ou organização. Os sítios Web são uma pedra angular da Internet, servindo como centros de informação, comércio, comunicação e entretenimento. Podem ter várias formas, como sítios de empresas, sítios de jogos, plataformas académicas ou sítios de redes sociais. Os sítios Web evoluíram ao longo do tempo, passando de texto e imagens estáticas para plataformas multimédia dinâmicas e interactivas. O desenvolvimento e a funcionalidade dos sítios Web são regidos por normas Web definidas pelo World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Os sítios Web são também influenciados pelos avanços na tecnologia de servidores Web e por princípios de conceção como o design reativo.
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In electronic commerce, conversion marketing is marketing with the intention of increasing conversions—that is, site visitors who are paying customers.

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