Programação informática

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Computador[2] programming is a crucial field within computer science, which involves the creation of instruction sets that computers execute to accomplish specific tasks. Originating with pioneers like Ada Lovelace, programming has evolved significantly over time. From primitive programmable devices in the 9th century to the advent of stored-program computers in the 1949, the discipline has seen tremendous growth. Various programming languages and tools, like machine code, assembly languages, and high-level languages, have been developed to simplify the coding process. Modern programming places emphasis on quality attributes such as reliability, robustness, usability, portability, and maintainability. It involves various concepts and techniques like readability of source code, algorithmic complexity, and software development[1] methodologies. Besides coding, a programmer’s skills encompass prototyping, debugging, documentation, and integration. The field also extends to related topics like computer networking and competitive programming. This discipline is not just about writing code, but understanding and building functional and efficient software systems.

Definições de termos
1. software development. Software development is a structured process involving various methods, processes, phases, testing and production stages, as well as diverse personnel and tools. The methodologies include strategies like code-and-fix, iterative, waterfall, Agile, and DevOps, each suited for different project needs. The software development process consists of steps such as the software development life cycle, feasibility analysis, the analysis phase, design, and programming. The phases involve feasibility analysis, requirements analysis, detailed specifications, decomposition, and design. Testing and production encompass activities like code testing, debugging, quality assurance, production deployment, and bug fixing. Finally, the process requires team collaboration, effective communication, and the use of various tools such as Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE), Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), and version control systems. Intellectual property and licensing considerations are also crucial in software development.
2. Computador ( Computer ) Um computador é um dispositivo sofisticado que manipula dados ou informações de acordo com um conjunto de instruções, conhecidas como programas. Por conceção, os computadores podem executar uma vasta gama de tarefas, desde simples cálculos aritméticos até ao processamento e análise de dados complexos. Os computadores evoluíram ao longo dos anos, desde as primitivas ferramentas de contagem, como o ábaco, até às modernas máquinas digitais. O coração de um computador é a sua unidade central de processamento (CPU), que inclui uma unidade lógica aritmética (ALU) para efetuar operações matemáticas e registos para armazenar dados. Os computadores também têm unidades de memória, como ROM e RAM, para armazenar informação. Outros componentes incluem dispositivos de entrada/saída (E/S) que permitem a interação com a máquina e circuitos integrados que melhoram a funcionalidade do computador. As principais inovações históricas, como a invenção do primeiro computador programável por Charles Babbage e o desenvolvimento do primeiro computador eletrónico digital automático, o Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC), contribuíram grandemente para a sua evolução. Atualmente, os computadores alimentam a Internet, ligando milhares de milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo, e tornaram-se uma ferramenta essencial em quase todas as indústrias.

Programação informática ou coding is the composition of sequences of instructions, called programas, that computadores can follow to perform tasks. It involves designing and implementing algorithms, step-by-step specifications of procedures, by writing code in one or more programming languages. Programmers typically use high-level programming languages that are more easily intelligible to humans than machine code, which is directly executed by the unidade central de processamento. Proficient programming usually requires expertise in several different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, details of programming languages and generic code libraries, specialized algorithms, and formal logic.

Auxiliary tasks accompanying and related to programming include analyzing requirements, testing, debugging (investigating and fixing problems), implementation of build systems, and management of derived artifacts, such as programs' machine code. While these are sometimes considered programming, often the term software development is used for this larger overall process – with the terms programming, implementatione coding reserved for the writing and editing of code per se. Sometimes software development is known as software engineering, especially when it employs formal methods or follows an engineering design process.

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