Chamada fria

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Cold calling is a sales[4] strategy where potential customers are contacted via phone or other means, often without prior knowledge or request from the recipient. It’s evolved over time from a scripted sales pitch to a more targeted communication method, leveraging deep insights about potential customers. This evolution has been significantly impacted by tecnologia[2] and the popularity of the internet[3]. However, cold calling faces criticism due to its low return on investment[1] and high rejection rates, and it’s unfortunately been exploited for fraudulent activities. It is governed by various regulations that dictate when, how, and whom a company can cold call, with specific rules varying by country. Understanding the preferred communication methods of the targeted audience is crucial to cold calling’s effectiveness. Despite its challenges, when executed with a personalized approach and data-driven strategy, cold calling can yield respectable results.

Definições de termos
1. return on investment. Return on Investment, commonly known as ROI, is a critical financial measure used to determine the efficiency and profitability of an investment. It's calculated by dividing the net profit from the investment by the initial cost, then expressing the result as a percentage. This handy metric offers valuable insights into the performance of an investment over time. In the world of business and marketing, the ROI metric plays a pivotal role in assessing the success of projects and marketing campaigns, and in deciding where to allocate resources. Additionally, understanding ROI helps businesses optimize their strategies, justify budget allocations, and improve overall profitability. However, calculating ROI isn't always straightforward, being influenced by factors like market conditions, audience response, and competition among others.
2. tecnologia. A tecnologia, derivada das palavras gregas que significam ofício e conhecimento, é um termo amplo que se refere às ferramentas, máquinas e sistemas desenvolvidos pelo homem para resolver problemas ou cumprir objectivos. Com origem em ferramentas primitivas como os machados de pedra e a descoberta do fogo, a tecnologia evoluiu significativamente ao longo da história da humanidade. Foi fundamental em diferentes épocas, desde a invenção da roda e dos sistemas avançados de irrigação nas civilizações antigas até ao nascimento das universidades e da imprensa durante os períodos medieval e renascentista. A Revolução Industrial, no século XVIII, marcou uma mudança significativa na produção em massa e na inovação, dando origem a tecnologias modernas como a eletricidade, os automóveis e as plataformas de comunicação digital. Hoje em dia, a tecnologia faz parte integrante de vários aspectos da vida e da sociedade, impulsionando o crescimento económico e a mudança social, ao mesmo tempo que suscita preocupações sobre a segurança, a privacidade e os impactos ambientais. Espera-se que o futuro da tecnologia traga ainda mais avanços, prevendo-se que o aumento da inteligência artificial tenha implicações significativas no mercado de trabalho.
Chamada fria (Wikipédia)

Chamada fria is the solicitation of business from potential customers who have had no prior contact with the salesperson conducting the call. It is an attempt to convince potential customers to purchase either the salesperson's product or service. Generally, it is referred as an over-the-phone process, making it a source of telemarketing, but can also be done in-person by door-to-door salespeople. Though cold calling can be used as a legitimate business tool, scammers can use cold calling as well.

Members of the Dutch political party GroenLinks conducting a cold calling visit in Groningen
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