Elemento de ligação canónica

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O canonical link element[2] is a vital tool used by webmasters to combat content duplication issues that can hinder otimização de motores de busca[1] (SEO). Content duplication happens when the same content is available via multiple URLs, including different hosts or protocols, print versions of websites, and through GET-parameters. Introduced in 2009 by Google[5], Yahoo, and Microsoft[4], the canonical link element helps indicate the original source of the content to search engines. This tool aids in content indexing and ranking by search engines, ensuring the correct version of the content is credited. It can be implemented in the HTML[7] head section or sent via the HTTP header, depending on the type of document. Proper use of canonical links can significantly enhance a sítio Web[6]’s visibility and performance in motor de busca[3] rankings.

Definições de termos
1. otimização de motores de busca. A otimização dos motores de busca, normalmente designada por SEO, é uma estratégia de marketing digital fundamental. Com origem em meados dos anos 90, a SEO consiste em melhorar os sítios Web para obter classificações mais elevadas nas páginas de resultados dos motores de busca. Este processo é essencial para aumentar o tráfego na Web e converter visitantes em clientes. A SEO utiliza várias técnicas, incluindo a conceção de páginas, a otimização de palavras-chave e a atualização de conteúdos, para melhorar a visibilidade de um sítio Web. Envolve também a utilização de ferramentas para monitorizar e adaptar-se às actualizações dos motores de busca. As práticas de SEO variam entre os métodos éticos de "chapéu branco" e as técnicas reprovadas de "chapéu preto", sendo que o "chapéu cinzento" se situa entre ambos. Embora a SEO não seja adequada para todos os sítios Web, a sua eficácia nas campanhas de marketing na Internet não pode ser subestimada. As tendências recentes do sector, como a utilização da Web móvel que ultrapassa a utilização do computador, realçam a paisagem em evolução da SEO.
2. canonical link element.
1 The canonical link element is a tool used by webmasters to address content duplication problems, ensuring search engines can identify the original source of content. These duplication issues can arise from various factors, including GET-parameters, different hosts or protocols, content management systems, and print versions of websites. Introduced by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft in 2009, the canonical link element is placed in the HTML head section or sent via the HTTP header. It serves as a strong hint for search engine ranking algorithms, guiding them to the preferred version of a webpage. However, it's worth noting that search engines may choose to ignore these links if it benefits the search results. Implementations include semantic HTML and self-hyperlinks, with examples provided in HTML code and HTTP response headers.
2 The canonical link element is a vital tool used by webmasters to combat content duplication issues that can hinder search engine optimization (SEO). Content duplication happens when the same content is available via multiple URLs, including different hosts or protocols, print versions of websites, and through GET-parameters. Introduced in 2009 by Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, the canonical link element helps indicate the original source of the content to search engines. This tool aids in content indexing and ranking by search engines, ensuring the correct version of the content is credited. It can be implemented in the HTML head section or sent via the HTTP header, depending on the type of document. Proper use of canonical links can significantly enhance a website's visibility and performance in search engine rankings.

A canonical link element é um elemento HTML that helps webmasters prevent duplicate content issues in otimização de motores de busca by specifying the "canonical" or "preferred" version of a web page. It is described in RFC 6596, which went live in April 2012.

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