Classificação zero

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Zero-rating is a term related to internet[3] usage and net neutrality[1]. Companies like Facebook[2], Wikipedia, and Google[4], as well as service providers such as T-Mobile US, have zero-rating programs. These programs allow users to access certain services without it affecting their data usage. However, zero-rating has been met with criticism, particularly regarding net neutrality laws and competition in the market. For instance, Chile’s regulator has ruled against zero-rating on the basis of net neutrality law violations. In contrast, the US Federal Communications Commission, while not banning zero-rating, has recognized its potential to breach net neutrality laws. Developments in data protocols and rising usage of secure connections and VPNs are also impacting the effectiveness of zero-rating practices.

Definições de termos
1. net neutrality. Net neutrality is a guiding principle that preserves the open and unrestricted nature of the internet. It ensures that all internet traffic is treated equally, without any discrimination or preference given to any particular content, website, or application. Net neutrality regulations prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from favoring one type of content over another, enabling equal access for everyone. This principle promotes freedom, competition, and innovation by preventing ISPs from manipulating speed or access conditions. It's also a hot topic in policy debates, with differing regulations and enforcement across regions and countries. Recent developments include the repeal of net neutrality rules in the US in 2017, and strong regulations approved by the Indian Government in 2018. The impact of net neutrality on users, competition, and innovation is significant, shaping the internet as we know it.
2. Facebook ( Facebook ) O Facebook, atualmente conhecido como Meta Platforms, é uma grande empresa da Internet que começou como uma plataforma de rede social. Fundado por Mark Zuckerberg em 2004, o Facebook expandiu-se rapidamente de Harvard para outras universidades e, mais tarde, para o público em geral, tornando-se um fenómeno global. É conhecido pela sua interface de fácil utilização e por várias funcionalidades, como os Grupos, a Plataforma para Programadores e o Facebook Dating. Apesar de ser criticado por questões como a violação da privacidade e a difusão de notícias falsas, o Facebook continua a ser um ator dominante no mundo online. Fez progressos significativos no domínio da tecnologia, incluindo o desenvolvimento do seu sistema único de armazenamento de dados, a utilização de PHP na sua plataforma e o lançamento da linguagem de programação Hack. Nos últimos anos, a empresa mudou o seu foco para o metaverso, um espaço de realidade virtual onde os utilizadores podem interagir com um ambiente gerado por computador.

Classificação zero is the practice of providing Internet access without financial cost under certain conditions, such as by permitting access to only certain websites or by subsidizing the service with advertising or by exempting certain websites from the data allowance.

Portuguese company MEO gives zero-rated access to their own service "MEO cloud". Even though it does not provide unlimited mobile data, it offers packages to give zero-rated access to other applications and services. Contrary to popular belief it does not prevent the usage of said applications while using the regular unused data, but instead offers packages where applications and services within said package are not counted towards the data consumed.

Commentators discussing zero-rating present it often in the context of net neutrality. While most sources report that use of zero-rating is contrary to the principle of net neutrality, there are mixed opinions among advocates of net neutrality about the extent to which people can benefit from zero-rating programs while retaining net neutrality protections. Supporters of zero-rating argue that it enables consumers to make choices to access more data and leads to more people using online services, but critics believe zero-rating exploits the poor, creates opportunities for censorship, and disrupts the free market.

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