Contar histórias

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Storytelling is a timeless human tradition, a way of transferring knowledge, wisdom, and culture from one generation to another. It predates written language, with early forms seen in cave paintings or heard in oral epics. Storytelling evolves with time, adapting to changes in society and tecnologia[2]. It encompasses various forms like fairytales, folktales, myths, personal narratives, and more. Today, storytelling continues to thrive and expand, finding new expressions through digital media[1] and role-playing games. It’s not only a form of entertainment but also serves educational and therapeutic purposes. Storytelling is a powerful tool for social change, helping to address issues, teach lessons, and foster empathy and understanding among diverse audiences. From ancient cave art to modern digital narratives, storytelling remains a vital part of our shared human experience.

Definições de termos
1. digital media. Digital media refers to any form of media that uses electronic devices for distribution. This form of media can be created, viewed, modified, and distributed on digital electronics devices. Digital media encompasses a wide range of items including software, digital images, digital videos, video games, web pages, and websites. It came to prominence with the rise of digital computers which enabled the binary representation of data. Over the years, digital media has evolved, causing significant societal and cultural shifts. It has also impacted various industries such as journalism, publishing, education, and entertainment. Additionally, digital media has given rise to new trends and legal challenges, especially in terms of copyright laws. The consumption of digital media has rapidly increased with growing internet access and the rise of social media platforms.
2. tecnologia. A tecnologia, derivada das palavras gregas que significam ofício e conhecimento, é um termo amplo que se refere às ferramentas, máquinas e sistemas desenvolvidos pelo homem para resolver problemas ou cumprir objectivos. Com origem em ferramentas primitivas como os machados de pedra e a descoberta do fogo, a tecnologia evoluiu significativamente ao longo da história da humanidade. Foi fundamental em diferentes épocas, desde a invenção da roda e dos sistemas avançados de irrigação nas civilizações antigas até ao nascimento das universidades e da imprensa durante os períodos medieval e renascentista. A Revolução Industrial, no século XVIII, marcou uma mudança significativa na produção em massa e na inovação, dando origem a tecnologias modernas como a eletricidade, os automóveis e as plataformas de comunicação digital. Hoje em dia, a tecnologia faz parte integrante de vários aspectos da vida e da sociedade, impulsionando o crescimento económico e a mudança social, ao mesmo tempo que suscita preocupações sobre a segurança, a privacidade e os impactos ambientais. Espera-se que o futuro da tecnologia traga ainda mais avanços, prevendo-se que o aumento da inteligência artificial tenha implicações significativas no mercado de trabalho.
Contar histórias (Wikipédia)

Contar histórias is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entretenimento, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plot, characters e narrative point of view. The term "storytelling" can refer specifically to oral storytelling but also broadly to techniques used in other media to unfold or disclose the narrative of a story.

The Boyhood of Raleigh by Sir John Everett Millais, oil on canvas, 1870.
A seafarer tells the young Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother the story of what happened out at sea.
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