Preconceito de comparação social

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Social comparison bias refers to the human tendency to evaluate one’s own worth based on comparisons with others. It’s a psychological phenomenon that can have significant mental health implications. Studies have found a link between social comparison and depression, with individuals engaging in such comparisons often showing higher levels of depression. Two forms of comparison are generally observed – upward, where one compares oneself to those better off, and downward, where comparison is made with those less fortunate. This bias can also lead to anxiety and harmful behavioral coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse. The media, particularly redes sociais[1], plays a significant role in amplifying social comparison bias, by promoting unrealistic beauty standards and fostering a culture of comparison. This bias also influences academic contexts, with students comparing grades and performance, which can impact self-concepts and academic achievements.

Definições de termos
1. redes sociais. Os meios de comunicação social são um termo abrangente que engloba uma variedade de ferramentas e plataformas digitais que facilitam a partilha de informações e a criação de comunidades virtuais. Surgindo dos primeiros sistemas, como o PLATO e a ARPANET, evoluíram para plataformas modernas como o Facebook e o Twitter. Estas plataformas oferecem características únicas que as diferenciam dos meios de comunicação tradicionais, incluindo a possibilidade de os utilizadores gerarem conteúdos e participarem em comunicações dialógicas. Atendem a mais de 100 milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo e oferecem diferentes formas de serviços, como aplicações de mensagens e plataformas de criação de conteúdos em colaboração. A utilização das redes sociais tem impactos de grande alcance nos indivíduos, na sociedade e nas empresas, influenciando tudo, desde as práticas de marketing aos processos políticos. No entanto, está também associada a preocupações éticas, como a disseminação de desinformação e a potencial dependência.

Preconceito de comparação social is the tendency to have feelings of dislike and competitiveness with someone seen as physically, socially, or mentally better than oneself. Social comparison bias or social comparison theory is the idea that individuals determine their own worth based on how they compare to others. The theory was developed in 1954 by psychologist Leon Festinger. This can be compared to social comparison, which is believed to be central to achievement motivation, feelings of injustice, depression, jealousy, and people's willingness to remain in relationships or jobs. The basis of the theory is that people are believed to compete for the best outcome in relation to their peers. For example, one might make a comparison between the low-end department stores they go to frequently and the designer stores of their peers. Such comparisons may evoke feelings of resentment, anger e envy with their peers. This bias revolves mostly around wealth e social status; it is unconscious and people who make these are largely unaware of them. In most cases, people try to compare themselves to those in their peer group or with whom they are similar.

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