Perfil da sombra

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Shadow profiles refer to a collection of user data, often gathered without explicit permission, by online platforms such as Facebook[2] e Google[3]. First publicly recognized in 2012 following a data breach on Facebook, shadow profiles were found to contain personal information of over six million users. These profiles, not created by the users themselves, were linked to public profiles by Facebook, combining data sets for a fuller picture of a user’s online behavior. This combined information was shared using Facebook’s DYI tool. However, the practice has raised significant concerns related to user privacidade[4] e security[5] on the internet[6]. Critics argue that it represents an intrusion into personal space, with potential for misuse of information. The subject of shadow profiles is closely related to broader topics of internet privacy[1], communication privacy management theory, and participatory surveillance.

Definições de termos
1. internet privacy. Internet Privacy is a crucial aspect of the digital realm that deals with safeguarding users' personal information. It entails the control over what data about oneself is gathered and how it's used. This concept has gained considerable significance with the advent and evolution of the Internet and mobile networks. It covers various elements like the protection of personal space, choice, and information. The essence of Internet privacy is the controlled disclosure of personal data by users. It addresses the risks and threats posed by activities such as online tracking for targeted advertisements, data collection via social media and online transactions, and malicious activities like spyware. It also touches upon legal regulations, anonymity, and the impact of online behavior. Various technologies used for online tracking and their associated privacy concerns also fall under its purview. Internet privacy is a dynamic and vital field that continually evolves in response to emerging technologies and threats.
2. Facebook ( Facebook ) O Facebook, atualmente conhecido como Meta Platforms, é uma grande empresa da Internet que começou como uma plataforma de rede social. Fundado por Mark Zuckerberg em 2004, o Facebook expandiu-se rapidamente de Harvard para outras universidades e, mais tarde, para o público em geral, tornando-se um fenómeno global. É conhecido pela sua interface de fácil utilização e por várias funcionalidades, como os Grupos, a Plataforma para Programadores e o Facebook Dating. Apesar de ser criticado por questões como a violação da privacidade e a difusão de notícias falsas, o Facebook continua a ser um ator dominante no mundo online. Fez progressos significativos no domínio da tecnologia, incluindo o desenvolvimento do seu sistema único de armazenamento de dados, a utilização de PHP na sua plataforma e o lançamento da linguagem de programação Hack. Nos últimos anos, a empresa mudou o seu foco para o metaverso, um espaço de realidade virtual onde os utilizadores podem interagir com um ambiente gerado por computador.
Perfil da sombra (Wikipédia)

A shadow profile is a collection of information pertaining to an application's users, or even some of its non-users, collected without their consent. The term is most commonly used to describe the manner in which technological companies such as Facebook collect information related to people who did not willingly provide it to them.

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