Otimização de motores de busca

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Motor de busca[2] optimization, commonly referred to as SEO, is a critical digital marketing strategy[1]. Originating in the mid-90s, SEO involves enhancing websites to achieve higher rankings on search engine results pages. This process is essential for increasing web traffic[3] and converting visitors into customers. SEO employs various techniques, including page design, keyword optimization, and content updates, to enhance a sítio Web[5]’s visibility. It also involves the use of tools for monitoring and adapting to search engine updates. SEO practices range from ethical ‘white hat’ methods to the disapproved ‘black hat’ techniques, with ‘grey hat[4]’ straddling both. While SEO isn’t suitable for all websites, its effectiveness in internet[6] marketing campaigns cannot be underestimated. Recent industry trends such as mobile web usage surpassing desktop usage highlight the evolving landscape of SEO.

Definições de termos
1. marketing strategy. "Marketing Strategy" is a term that encompasses a company's broad plan for its marketing efforts. It includes mapping out the direction for future planning periods, focusing on customer value, and anticipating growth. This strategic planning aims to bridge the strategic gap for sustainable growth by organizing resources for a competitive edge. A marketing strategy also involves long-range planning to identify new business opportunities and potential threats. It utilizes various components such as pricing, customer service, go-to-market strategy, packaging, and market mapping. Additionally, this strategy uses metrics for tracking performance and strategic analysis to identify the company's current position. It also requires a clear vision and mission statement for the organization. Furthermore, strategic planners use various research tools and analytical techniques to evaluate competitive brand performance. Ultimately, a marketing strategy seeks to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage.
2. Motor de busca ( Search engine ) Um motor de pesquisa é uma ferramenta vital que funciona como parte de um sistema de computação distribuído. É um sistema de software que responde às consultas dos utilizadores fornecendo uma lista de hiperligações, resumos e imagens. Utiliza um sistema de indexação complexo, que é continuamente atualizado por web crawlers que extraem dados de servidores Web. No entanto, alguns conteúdos permanecem inacessíveis a estes rastreadores. A velocidade e a eficiência de um motor de pesquisa dependem muito do seu sistema de indexação. Os utilizadores interagem com os motores de pesquisa através de um navegador Web ou de uma aplicação, introduzindo consultas e recebendo sugestões à medida que escrevem. Os resultados podem ser filtrados para tipos específicos e o sistema pode ser acedido em vários dispositivos. Esta ferramenta é importante porque permite aos utilizadores navegar na vasta Web, encontrar conteúdos relevantes e recuperar informações de forma eficiente.

Otimização de motores de busca (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a sítio Web or a página web from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic (known as "natural" or "organic" results) rather than direct traffic or paid traffic. Unpaid traffic may originate from different kinds of searches, including image search, video search, academic search, news search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, the computer-programmed algorithms that dictate search engine behavior, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines, and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. SEO is performed because a website will receive more visitors from a search engine when websites rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP). These visitors can then potentially be converted into customers.

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