Discurso de ódio em linha

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Online hate speech is a term that refers to harmful, discriminatory, or aggressive communication that targets individuals based on specific aspects of their identity such as their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or social class. This form of communication, often occurring on digital platforms, is characterized by its ability to persist and reappear, even after attempts to remove it. The anonymity offered by the online environment can encourage the expression of hate speech, as individuals may feel less fear of repercussions. Furthermore, the global reach of the internet[1] complicates the management of online hate speech, involving cross-jurisdictional issues. Legal responses to hate speech are influenced by international human rights documents and treaties, which balance the principles of freedom of expression with the need to prevent discrimination and harm.

Definições de termos
1. internet. A Internet é um sistema global de redes informáticas interligadas que utilizam protocolos de comunicação normalizados, principalmente o TCP/IP, para ligar dispositivos em todo o mundo. Com origem no termo "internetted" utilizado em 1849, o termo "Internet" foi mais tarde utilizado pelo Departamento de Guerra dos EUA em 1945. O seu desenvolvimento começou com cientistas informáticos que criaram sistemas de partilha de tempo na década de 1960 e progrediu com a criação da ARPANET em 1969. A Internet é autónoma, sem uma autoridade central, e os seus principais espaços de nomes são administrados pela Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Transformou significativamente os meios de comunicação tradicionais e tem crescido exponencialmente ao longo dos anos, com os utilizadores da Internet a aumentarem anualmente de 20% para 50%. Em 2019, mais de metade da população mundial utilizou a Internet. O conjunto de protocolos da Internet, que inclui o TCP/IP e quatro camadas conceptuais, orienta os pacotes da Internet para os seus destinos. Serviços essenciais como o correio eletrónico e a telefonia via Internet funcionam na Internet. A World Wide Web, uma coleção global de documentos interligados, é uma componente essencial da Internet.

Discurso de ódio em linha is a type of speech that takes place online with the purpose of attacking a person or a group based on their race, religião, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, and/or gender. Online hate speech is not easily defined, but can be recognized by the degrading or dehumanizing function it serves.

Multilateral treaties, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) have sought to define its contours. Multi-stakeholders processes (e.g. the Rabat Plan of Action) have tried to bring greater clarity and suggested mechanisms to identify hateful messages. National and regional bodies have sought to promote understandings of the term that are more rooted in local traditions.

O Internet's speed and reach makes it difficult for governments to enforce national legislation in the virtual world. Social media is a private space for public expression, which makes it difficult for regulators. Some of the companies owning these spaces have become more responsive towards tackling the problem of online hate speech.

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