Assistente virtual

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A Virtual Assistant[2], often abbreviated as VA, is a digital tool that uses inteligência artificial[1] to perform various tasks and services. These tasks include, but are not limited to, answering queries, controlling devices, managing schedules, and more. The functionality of a VA is achieved through different interaction methods such as voice commands, text-based communication, and image recognition. Over time, continuous advancements in AI and natural language processing have significantly improved VAs, making them more sophisticated and user-friendly. Furthermore, VAs have found applications in a multitude of industries, where they are used for information retrieval, entertainment, customer[3] support, and conversational commerce, among other things. Notable examples of VAs include Siri, Alexa, Google[4] Assistant, and Bixby. They are integrated into various devices and operating systems, demonstrating their broad utility and reach.

Definições de termos
1. inteligência artificial.
1 A Inteligência Artificial (IA) refere-se ao domínio da ciência da computação que tem por objetivo criar sistemas capazes de realizar tarefas que normalmente exigiriam a inteligência humana. Estas tarefas incluem o raciocínio, a aprendizagem, o planeamento, a perceção e a compreensão da linguagem. A IA tem origem em diferentes domínios, incluindo a psicologia, a linguística, a filosofia e a neurociência. Este domínio é proeminente no desenvolvimento de modelos de aprendizagem automática e de sistemas de processamento de linguagem natural. Desempenha também um papel importante na criação de assistentes virtuais e de sistemas de computação afectiva. As aplicações da IA estendem-se a vários sectores, incluindo os cuidados de saúde, a indústria, a administração pública e a educação. Apesar dos seus benefícios, a IA também suscita preocupações éticas e sociais, exigindo políticas regulamentares. A IA continua a evoluir com técnicas avançadas, como a aprendizagem profunda e a IA generativa, oferecendo novas possibilidades em vários sectores.
2 A Inteligência Artificial, vulgarmente conhecida por IA, é um domínio da ciência informática dedicado à criação de máquinas inteligentes que executam tarefas que normalmente requerem o intelecto humano. Estas tarefas incluem a resolução de problemas, o reconhecimento do discurso, a compreensão da linguagem natural e a tomada de decisões. A IA divide-se em dois tipos: a IA restrita, que é concebida para executar uma tarefa específica, como o reconhecimento de voz, e a IA geral, que pode executar quaisquer tarefas intelectuais que um ser humano possa fazer. É uma tecnologia em constante evolução que se baseia em vários domínios, incluindo a informática, a matemática, a psicologia, a linguística e a neurociência. Os conceitos fundamentais da IA incluem o raciocínio, a representação do conhecimento, o planeamento, o processamento da linguagem natural e a perceção. A IA tem aplicações abrangentes em vários sectores, desde os cuidados de saúde e os jogos até ao militar e à criatividade, e as suas considerações e desafios éticos são fundamentais para o seu desenvolvimento e implementação.
2. Assistente virtual ( Virtual Assistant )
1 Virtual assistants are a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that perform tasks and services for an individual, often based on commands or questions. The evolution of this technology began in the 1900s with early voice-activated devices. The application and capabilities of virtual assistants have significantly grown, ranging from managing emails to controlling home appliances. Notable examples include Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Bixby. Advancements in AI and language models have revolutionized their conversation abilities, making interactions with users more human-like. However, their widespread use has also raised privacy, security, and ethical concerns. Despite this, they have economic significance and are integrated into various industries, driven by the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT). The global market for this technology is expected to exceed US$7.5 billion by 2024.
2 A Virtual Assistant, often abbreviated as VA, is a digital tool that uses artificial intelligence to perform various tasks and services. These tasks include, but are not limited to, answering queries, controlling devices, managing schedules, and more. The functionality of a VA is achieved through different interaction methods such as voice commands, text-based communication, and image recognition. Over time, continuous advancements in AI and natural language processing have significantly improved VAs, making them more sophisticated and user-friendly. Furthermore, VAs have found applications in a multitude of industries, where they are used for information retrieval, entertainment, customer support, and conversational commerce, among other things. Notable examples of VAs include Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Bixby. They are integrated into various devices and operating systems, demonstrating their broad utility and reach.
Assistente virtual (Wikipédia)

A assistente virtual (VA) is a software agent that can perform a range of tasks or services for a user based on user input such as commands or questions, including verbal ones. Such technologies often incorporate chatbot capabilities to simulate human conversation, such as via online chat, to facilitate interaction with their users. The interaction may be via text, graphical interface, or voice - as some virtual assistants are able to interpret human speech and respond via synthesized voices.

Assistente Google running on a Pixel XL smartphone

In many cases users can ask their virtual assistants questions, control home automation devices and media playback, and manage other basic tasks such as email, to-do lists, and calendars - all with verbal commands. In recent years, prominent virtual assistants for direct consumer use have included Apple's Siri, Amazon Alexa, Assistente Googlee Samsung's Bixby. Also, companies in various industries often incorporate some kind of virtual assistant technology into their customer service or support.

Recently, the emergence of recent inteligência artificial based chatbots, such as ChatGPT, has brought increased capability and interest to the field of virtual assistant products and services.

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