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Commercialization is a multi-faceted process, commonly mistaken for sales[3], marketing, or business development. It involves the methodical progression of an idea or product through various stages, from conception to market launch. This process, often described as a funnel, includes identifying potential profitable products or businesses, setting specific objectives and milestones for each stage of development, and involving key stakeholders such as customers early on. Critical decisions during commercialization concern the timing, location, target audience, and strategy of product launch. These decisions can be influenced by factors like potential market cannibalization, product enhancements, and prevailing market conditions. The success of commercialization largely hinges on a well-planned action plan, an effective marketing mix[1], and the identification of a primary consumidor[2] group through research and test marketing.

Definições de termos
1. marketing mix. O marketing mix é uma ferramenta estratégica utilizada pelas empresas para comercializar e vender eficazmente os seus produtos e serviços. Desenvolvido no final da década de 1940 e popularizado na década de 1960, inclui os quatro elementos originais, ou "4 Ps": Produto, Preço, Local e Promoção. Os produtos são os bens ou serviços oferecidos pela empresa, enquanto o preço é o montante que se espera que os clientes paguem. O local está relacionado com a forma como o produto é distribuído e acedido pelos clientes, e a promoção envolve a comunicação do valor do produto a potenciais clientes. O marketing mix evoluiu para incluir três componentes adicionais para os serviços: pessoas, processos e provas físicas, conhecidas como o mix alargado. Esta estratégia é crucial para o sucesso de uma empresa, uma vez que ajuda a potenciar os pontos fortes, a atenuar os pontos fracos e a aumentar a competitividade. Também ajuda a alcançar os objectivos de marketing através da colaboração e do alinhamento internos. O marketing mix é adaptável e pode ser optimizado para várias indústrias e esforços de marketing digital.
2. consumidor. A consumer, in simple terms, is an individual who purchases goods or services for their personal use and not for resale or commercial purposes. They play a significant role in the economy as their demand for products motivates manufacturers to produce. This dynamic influences production, distribution, and consumption processes. Consumers also have certain rights, established by President John F. Kennedy, that include safety, information, choice, redressal, and representation. These rights protect them from hazardous goods and unfair practices. In today's digital age, consumers are evolving into 'prosumers', actively participating in product creation. Consumer behavior, therefore, has a profound impact on marketing strategies, leading to personalized marketing and mass customization.
Comercialização (Wikipédia)

Comercialização ou commercialisation é o process of introducing a new product ou production method into commerce—making it available on the market. The term often connotes especially entry into the mass market (as opposed to entry into earlier niche markets), but it also includes a move from the laboratory into (even limited) commerce. Many technologies begin in a research and development laboratory or in an inventor's workshop and may not be practical for commercial use in their infancy (as prototypes). The "development" segment of the "research and development" spectrum requires time and money as systems are engineered with a view to making the product or method a paying commercial proposition.

The product launch of a new product is the final stage of new product development – at this point advertising, sales promotion, and other marketing efforts encourage commercial adoption of the product or method. Beyond commercialization (in which technologies enter the business world) can lie consumerization (in which they become consumer goods, as for example when computadores went from the laboratory to the enterprise and then to the home, pocket, or body).

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