Privacy concerns with social networking services

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Social Networking Service[1] Privacy[4] is a concept related to the potential risks and concerns that come with using online platforms designed for connecting people. Originating with early platforms like Six Degrees and Friendster in 1997, privacy concerns have always been associated with these services. These concerns range from stalking and catfishing to data collection without consent[5] and identity theft. It’s worth noting that once information is posted online, it becomes public and can be tough to erase entirely. Users’ personal data is often required for these services to operate, and privacy settings[2] may not fully protect this information. Furthermore, these concerns extend to institutions like schools and government agencies, raising ethical questions about user confidentiality. With the increasing use of social media[3], understanding and prioritizing privacy has become crucial for all users.

Terms definitions
1. Social networking service ( Social Networking Service )
1 Social networking services are online platforms designed to foster social interaction beyond physical boundaries. These services come in various formats, with diverse features that allow users to share ideas, images, videos, and events. They are categorized into different types including platforms for socialization, online social networks, non-social communication networks, social navigation, and those that aim to standardize services. The growth and impact of these services have been significant; for instance, there was a notable increase in social media users in India in 2013, and 73% of U.S. adults utilized social-networking sites in the same year. The power of social media lies in its ability to connect people based on shared interests, fostering cooperation and altruism. Furthermore, these platforms have greatly influenced various aspects of society including employment, news consumption, purchasing decisions, and mental health. Emerging trends in the field include real-time web, location-based services, business-tech integration, and niche networks. Social networking services are also being used in professional and educational contexts, providing a platform for knowledge sharing and fostering online social connectedness and well-being.
2 Social networking services are digital platforms that enable the creation and maintenance of social relationships online. These services come in a variety of formats and offer different features, ranging from sharing digital content to creating global links. They serve multiple purposes, including socializing, professional networking, and navigating social connections. The growth of these services has been impressive, impacting societies worldwide by fostering global communication and influencing various aspects of daily life. As technology evolves, so do social networking services, with a shift towards mobile accessibility and real-time web services. They have found application in various fields, from business to education, promoting collaboration, learning, and professional networking. Despite their wide use, issues such as privacy and misuse of personal information remain a concern, necessitating the implementation of regulations and investigations.
2. privacy settings. This text primarily discusses the concept of "Privacy Settings." Privacy settings are a crucial feature on social networking services and other online platforms that allow users to control who can access their personal information. These settings play a pivotal role in protecting users from privacy leaks, although their effectiveness can be compromised through others' connections or by default settings that encourage oversharing. User attitudes, understanding of privacy policies, and the accessibility of privacy settings all influence personal and interpersonal privacy management. Enhancements to privacy settings, such as design improvements and the adoption of privacy by design principles, can help mitigate risks of unintentional information sharing. Companies often adjust these settings to balance user privacy with their own data collection needs. Privacy management tools, including software and trust-based negotiations, offer additional control over privacy policies.

Since the arrival of early social networking sites in the early 2000s, online social networking platforms have expanded exponentially, with the biggest names in social media in the mid-2010s being Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. The massive influx of personal information that has become available online and stored in the cloud has put user privacy at the forefront of discussion regarding the database's ability to safely store such personal information. The extent to which users and social media platform administrators can access user profiles has become a new topic of ethical consideration, and the legality, awareness, and boundaries of subsequent privacy violations are critical concerns in advance of the technological age.

A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations), sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors. Privacy concerns with social networking services is a subset of data privacy, involving the right of mandating personal privacy concerning storing, re-purposing, provision to third parties, and displaying of information pertaining to oneself via the Internet. Social network security and privacy issues result from the large amounts of information these sites process each day. Features that invite users to participate in—messages, invitations, photos, open platform applications and other applications are often the venues for others to gain access to a user's private information. In addition, the technologies needed to deal with user's information may intrude their privacy.

The advent of the Web 2.0 has caused social profiling and is a growing concern for internet privacy. Web 2.0 is the system that facilitates participatory information sharing and collaboration on the Internet, in social networking media websites like Facebook and MySpace. These social networking sites have seen a boom in their popularity beginning in the late 2000s. Through these websites many people are giving their personal information out on the internet. These social networks keep track of all interactions used on their sites and save them for later use. Issues include cyberstalking, location disclosure, social profiling, third party personal information disclosure, and government use of social network websites in investigations without the safeguard of a search warrant.

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