Facebook content management controversies

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Facebook[3] has faced numerous controversies related to its content management. These include accusations of intellectual property[1] infringement, where the social media[2] giant was alleged to have plagiarized videos from YouTube[5] users. After the introduction of video-matching technology[4] in 2015 and the Rights Manager feature in 2016, Facebook aimed to improve its procedures for removing content that infringed on intellectual property rights. The platform has also been criticized for allowing violent content, including depictions of war crimes. To address these concerns, Facebook implemented a policy to remove reported violent videos and started issuing warnings on graphic content. The introduction of Facebook Live brought additional challenges, with the feature being used to record and broadcast crimes, leading to criticism over Facebook’s slow removal of such content. Furthermore, Facebook has been criticized for hosting controversial content groups.

Terms definitions
1. intellectual property. Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images used in commerce. These intangible assets have intrinsic value and are protected by law through patents, copyrights, and trademarks. The concept of intellectual property originated as early as the 15th century, with the Venetian Patent Statute of 1474 being the earliest codified patent system. The idea is to stimulate innovation and progress by giving creators the right to control and profit from their creations. This promotes creativity, fair trading, and economic growth. However, intellectual property laws also need to balance these rights with the wider public interest, ensuring that knowledge and technologies remain widely accessible. Intellectual property rights violations, such as patent, copyright, and trademark infringement, as well as trade secret theft, can have severe consequences.
2. social media. Social media is a broad term encompassing a variety of digital tools and platforms that facilitate the sharing of information and the creation of virtual communities. Emerging from early systems like PLATO and ARPANET, it has evolved into modern platforms like Facebook and Twitter. These platforms offer unique features that differentiate them from traditional media, including the ability for users to generate content and engage in dialogic communication. They cater to over 100 million users globally and offer different forms of services, such as messaging apps and collaborative content creation platforms. The use of social media has far-reaching impacts on individuals, society, and businesses, influencing everything from marketing practices to political processes. However, it's also associated with ethical concerns, such as the spread of misinformation and potential addiction.

Facebook or Meta Platforms has been criticized for its management of various content on posts, photos and entire groups and profiles. This includes but is not limited to allowing violent content, including content related to war crimes, and not limiting the spread of fake news and COVID-19 misinformation on their platform, as well as allowing incitement of violence against multiple groups.

An example of a Facebook post censored due to an unspecified conflict with "Community Standards"
Error message generated by Facebook for an attempt to share a link to a website that is censored due to Community Standards in a private chat. Messages containing certain links will not be delivered to the recipient.
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