Lieu de travail (logiciel)

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Workplace is a software application that was first announced on January 14, 2015, and officially launched in October 2016. Previously known as Facebook[2] at Work during its beta stage, it is now a standalone service with accounts separate from regular Facebook accounts. It uses Facebook’s technologie[3], including machine learning[1], to support its functions. The data for Workplace is housed across 12 Facebook-owned data centers. It offers integrations with various other tools such as Jira, SharePoint, and Zoom. Unfortunately, as of February 2021, free accounts have been discontinued. However, in June 2018, Workplace for Good initiative was launched, specifically catering to non-profits and educational institutions. The software also introduced a Safety Check feature in October 2018. Some have described Workplace as a restricted version of Facebook for professional use.

Définitions des termes
1. machine learning. Machine learning, a term coined by Arthur Samuel in 1959, is a field of study that originated from the pursuit of artificial intelligence. It employs techniques that allow computers to improve their performance over time through experience. This learning process often mimics the human cognitive process. Machine learning applies to various areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and speech recognition. It also finds use in practical sectors like agriculture, medicine, and business for predictive analytics. Theoretical frameworks such as the Probably Approximately Correct learning and concepts like data mining and mathematical optimization form the foundation of machine learning. Specialized techniques include supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and dimensionality reduction, among others.
2. Facebook ( Facebook ) Facebook, aujourd'hui connu sous le nom de Meta Platforms, est une grande société Internet qui a débuté comme plateforme de réseau social. Fondé par Mark Zuckerberg en 2004, Facebook s'est rapidement étendu de Harvard à d'autres universités, puis au grand public, devenant ainsi un phénomène mondial. Il est connu pour son interface conviviale et ses diverses fonctionnalités telles que les groupes, la plateforme pour développeurs et Facebook Dating. Bien que critiqué pour des questions telles que les atteintes à la vie privée et la diffusion de fausses nouvelles, Facebook est resté un acteur dominant du monde en ligne. L'entreprise a fait des progrès considérables dans le domaine de la technologie, notamment en développant son système unique de stockage de données, en utilisant PHP pour sa plateforme et en lançant le langage de programmation Hack. Ces dernières années, l'entreprise s'est tournée vers le métavers, un espace de réalité virtuelle où les utilisateurs peuvent interagir avec un environnement généré par ordinateur.

Workplace is an online collaborative software tool developed by Métaplateformes. Its features include instant messaging, file sharing, and video and audio conferencing.

TypeLogiciel de collaboration
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