Web Browsing History refers to the record of web pages that a user has visited over a certain period of time. This digital trail serves multiple purposes and has various implications. On the positive side, it aids users in finding previously visited pages and allows for the creation of personalized web libraries. In addition, it offers insights into user behavior and facilitates targeted advertising[1] and personalized pricing strategies. However, the collection of such data raises significant vie privée[3] concerns, with potential misuse by adware or unconsented tracking by cookies. Some users may resort to providing false information or deleting their data to maintain privacy. Despite measures such as ad blockers and cookie deletion, effective privacy protection remains a challenge. Users’ responses and behaviors towards these issues vary, influencing the dynamics of publicité en ligne[2] and pricing. Current research focuses on developing more secure technologies and enhancing privacy awareness, with an eye towards future advancements in privacy protection technologies.
Historique de la navigation sur Internet refers to the list of pages web a user has visited, as well as associated métadonnées such as page title and time of visit. It is usually stored locally by web browsers in order to provide the user with a history list to go back to previously visited pages. It can reflect the user's interests, needs, and browsing habits.

All major browsers have a private browsing mode in which browsing history is not recorded. This is to protect against browsing history being collected by third parties for targeted advertising or other purposes.