Marketing viral

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Viral marketing is a business strategy that uses médias sociaux[3] networks to promote a product or service. It works like a virus, spreading from person to person through sharing and liking of content. The concept originated from the idea of ideas spreading like viruses and became popular in the 1990s. Viral marketing can take various forms including video clips, games, ebooks, and text messages. Key to its success is the use of influencers who help communicate marketing messages to their followers. Successful viral campaigns can greatly boost brand awareness[2], site web[5] traffic, l'engagement des clients[1]et incendie[6] credibility. However, it’s important to use the right influencers to avoid damaging the brand’s réputation[4].

Définitions des termes
1. l'engagement des clients.
1 L'engagement des clients est un terme qui englobe l'interaction et l'implication des consommateurs avec une entreprise ou une marque. Ce concept, qui a été défini par diverses organisations entre 2006 et 2008, s'applique aussi bien en ligne que hors ligne et a un impact significatif sur les pratiques de marketing. Il implique la cocréation d'expériences personnalisées, avec des dimensions clés telles que l'immersion, la passion et l'activation. Cependant, des questions éthiques peuvent se poser, notamment en ce qui concerne l'optimisation de l'engagement des utilisateurs. La technologie joue un rôle essentiel dans ce processus, en favorisant une culture interactive et en facilitant les connexions entre les consommateurs et les organisations. L'engagement des clients est également fortement influencé par les plateformes de médias sociaux, où le contenu et l'activité des influenceurs peuvent orienter les stratégies d'engagement. Les mesures sont essentielles pour évaluer l'engagement des clients, comme par exemple les likes, les réponses et les retweets sur Twitter. Cette interaction complexe entre les entreprises et les clients vise en fin de compte à favoriser la loyauté et les relations à long terme.
2 L'engagement des clients est un terme qui englobe l'interaction et l'implication des consommateurs avec une entreprise ou une marque. Ce concept, qui a été défini par diverses organisations entre 2006 et 2008, s'applique aussi bien en ligne que hors ligne et a un impact significatif sur les pratiques de marketing. Il implique la cocréation d'expériences personnalisées, avec des dimensions clés telles que l'immersion, la passion et l'activation. Cependant, des questions éthiques peuvent se poser, notamment en ce qui concerne l'optimisation de l'engagement des utilisateurs. La technologie joue un rôle essentiel dans ce processus, en favorisant une culture interactive et en facilitant les connexions entre les consommateurs et les organisations. L'engagement des clients est également fortement influencé par les plateformes de médias sociaux, où le contenu et l'activité des influenceurs peuvent orienter les stratégies d'engagement. Les mesures sont essentielles pour évaluer l'engagement des clients, comme par exemple les likes, les réponses et les retweets sur Twitter. Cette interaction complexe entre les entreprises et les clients vise en fin de compte à favoriser la loyauté et les relations à long terme.
2. brand awareness. Brand awareness is a fundamental concept in marketing that refers to the level of familiarity consumers have with a particular brand. It plays a significant role in their purchasing decisions, affecting the sustainability and growth of a business. Brand awareness is divided into two types: brand recall, the ability of consumers to remember a brand from memory when prompted with a product category, and brand recognition, where consumers confirm their previous exposure to a brand. It is typically measured using surveys, recall tests, and other metrics such as brand association and salience. Advertising is a crucial tool in building brand awareness and converting consumer interest into sales. Notably, strong brand awareness can enhance brand equity, which is the cumulative value derived from a brand's name and logo, including factors like brand loyalty and perceived quality.
Marketing viral (Wikipedia)

Marketing viral is a business strategy that uses existing social networks to promote a product mainly on various social media platforms. Its name refers to how consumers spread information about a product with other people, much in the same way that a virus spreads from one person to another. It can be delivered by word of mouth, or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet et mobile networks.

The concept is often misused or misunderstood, as people apply it to any successful enough story without taking into account the word "viral".

Viral advertising is personal and, while coming from an identified sponsor, it does not mean businesses pay for its distribution. Most of the well-known viral ads circulating online are ads paid by a sponsor company, launched either on their own platform (company web page or médias sociaux profile) or on social media websites such as YouTube. Consumers receive the page link from a social media network or copy the entire ad from a website and pass it along through e-mail or posting it on a blog, web page or social media profile. Viral marketing may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, text messages, courriel messages, or pages web. The most commonly utilized transmission vehicles for viral messages include pass-along based, incentive based, trendy based, and undercover based. However, the creative nature of viral marketing enables an "endless amount of potential forms and vehicles the messages can utilize for transmission", including mobile devices.

The ultimate goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to create viral messages that appeal to individuals with high social networking potential (SNP) and that have a high probability of being presented and spread by these individuals and their competitors in their communications with others in a short period.

The term "viral marketing" has also been used pejoratively to refer to stealth marketing campaigns—marketing strategies that advertise a product to people without them knowing they are being marketed to.

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