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Telemarketing is a direct stratégie de marketing[2] in which a salesperson persuades potential customers to buy products or services, either over the phone or through subsequent face-to-face or web conferencing[3] appointments scheduled during the call. This strategy is typically divided into two main categories: business-to-business[1] and business-to-consumer. Various methods such as lead generation, ventes[5], outbound and inbound calling, and office-based activities are often employed. This approach also includes different service styles like call-to-action, appointment setting, database cleansing, and surveys. However, it has faced criticism due to issues like scams and high-pressure sales tactics. Regulations have been implemented to protect consumers, with notable ones being the TCPA, FTC’s TSR, and Do Not Call lists. Its impact and regulations vary globally. Furthermore, the field has been studied for its gender dynamics and consommateur[4] behavior.

Définitions des termes
1. Commerce interentreprises ( business-to-business ) Business-to-business, commonly known as B2B, is a term that describes the exchange of products, services, or information between businesses, as opposed to between businesses and consumers (B2C). It typically involves large-scale transactions as it forms a crucial part of the supply chain for most industries. B2B transactions often require significant upfront investments, professional staff, and legal counsel. They also have their own unique negotiating power dynamics and are usually based on raw data. B2B can extend to include e-commerce for consumers, known as B2B2C. B2B operations face various challenges, so it's essential for organizations to develop effective strategies and relationships. The emergence of e-procurement, where businesses make purchases via online platforms, has significantly transformed B2B operations.
2. stratégie de marketing. La "stratégie de marketing" est un terme qui englobe le plan général des efforts de marketing d'une entreprise. Il s'agit notamment de définir l'orientation pour les périodes de planification futures, de se concentrer sur la valeur pour le client et d'anticiper la croissance. Cette planification stratégique vise à combler le fossé stratégique pour une croissance durable en organisant les ressources pour obtenir un avantage concurrentiel. Une stratégie de marketing implique également une planification à long terme afin d'identifier les nouvelles opportunités commerciales et les menaces potentielles. Elle utilise divers éléments tels que la tarification, le service à la clientèle, la stratégie de mise sur le marché, l'emballage et la cartographie du marché. En outre, cette stratégie utilise des mesures pour suivre les performances et une analyse stratégique pour identifier la position actuelle de l'entreprise. Elle nécessite également une vision et une mission claires pour l'organisation. En outre, les planificateurs stratégiques utilisent divers outils de recherche et techniques d'analyse pour évaluer les performances des marques concurrentes. En fin de compte, une stratégie de marketing vise à obtenir un avantage concurrentiel durable.
Télémarketing (Wikipedia)

Télémarketing (sometimes known as inside salesou telesales in the UK and Ireland) is a method of direct marketing in which a salesperson solicits prospective customers to buy products, subscriptions or services, either over the phone or through a subsequent face to face or web conferencing appointment scheduled during the call. Telemarketing can also include recorded sales pitches programmed to be played over the phone via automatic dialing.


Telemarketing is defined as contacting, qualifying, and canvassing prospective customers using telecommunications devices such as telephone, fax, and internet. It does not include direct mail marketing.

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