Sora (modèle texte-vidéo)

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Sora is a groundbreaking text-to-video model developed by OpenAI[3]. Introduced in February 2024, it has been designed to convert text inputs into high-definition videos using advanced AI technologie[2]. Sora is built on the diffusion transformer model, the same technology behind DALL·E 3, another OpenAI innovation. The model generates videos by transforming latent space into standard space. Despite its potential, it does have limitations, especially with complex physics and causality. Sora has been widely discussed for its potential to revolutionize video creation processes across various sectors like marketing and entertainment. However, it has also drawn some criticism, particularly around the potential for disinformation[1] and its impact on industries like film.

Définitions des termes
1. disinformation. Disinformation is a complex concept with roots tracing back to the Proto-Indo-European language family. It refers to the intentional spreading of false or misleading information, often for political or social influence. This phenomenon became widespread in the 1980s and has been a subject of extensive research to understand its origins, methods, and impacts. Disinformation is often used in deception campaigns on social media and is distinct from misinformation and malinformation. It's common in political arenas, where it can confuse citizens and discourage their engagement. Disinformation has global implications, being used by governments, NGOs, and businesses worldwide. It can undermine election security and create societal divisions. Various countermeasures have been initiated by organizations like NATO and the EU to address this issue. The study of disinformation also extends to ethical considerations and its role in warfare. Despite these efforts, disinformation remains a challenging issue due to its widespread prevalence and the difficulty in assessing its true impact.
2. technologie. La technologie, dérivée des mots grecs signifiant artisanat et connaissance, est un terme général qui désigne les outils, les machines et les systèmes mis au point par l'homme pour résoudre des problèmes ou atteindre des objectifs. Née avec des outils primitifs comme les haches de pierre et la découverte du feu, la technologie a évolué de manière significative tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité. Elle a joué un rôle déterminant à différentes époques, depuis l'invention de la roue et des systèmes d'irrigation avancés dans les civilisations anciennes jusqu'à la naissance des universités et de la presse à imprimer au cours des périodes médiévale et de la Renaissance. La révolution industrielle du XVIIIe siècle a marqué un tournant important dans la production de masse et l'innovation, donnant naissance aux technologies modernes telles que l'électricité, l'automobile et les plates-formes de communication numérique. Aujourd'hui, la technologie fait partie intégrante de divers aspects de la vie et de la société, stimulant la croissance économique et les changements sociétaux, tout en suscitant des préoccupations en matière de sécurité, de respect de la vie privée et d'incidences sur l'environnement. L'avenir de la technologie devrait apporter encore plus de progrès, avec l'essor de l'intelligence artificielle qui devrait avoir des implications significatives sur le marché du travail.

Sora is an upcoming intelligence artificielle générative model developed by OpenAI, that specializes in text-to-video generation. The model accepts textual descriptions, known as prompts, from users and generates short video clips corresponding to those descriptions. Prompts can specify artistic styles, fantastical imagery, or real-world scenarios. When creating real-world scenarios, user input may be required to ensure factual accuracy, otherwise features can be added erroneously. Sora is praised for its ability to produce videos with high levels of visual detail, including intricate camera movements and characters that exhibit a range of emotions. Furthermore, the model possesses the functionality to extend existing short videos by generating new content that seamlessly precedes or follows the original clip. As of April 2024, it is unreleased and not yet available to the public.

TypeText-to-video model
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