Social spam, the main entity of this text, is a prevalent issue in the digital sphere that has evolved from traditional courriel[4] spam. It is primarily seen on social networks, where over 90% of users have reportedly encountered it. This form of digital nuisance comes in various forms including automated messages from spambots, fake accounts, and even real individuals utilizing spam tactics. It manifests itself through commercial advertisements, repeated comments, profanity, offensive content, and malicious links. The growth of social spam has been rapid, with a 355% increase reported in the first half of 2013. This issue is not only annoying but also poses potential threats such as malware[2] infections, data theft, and misleading information. It is combated through detection and reporting tools provided by platforms like Google[3] et Facebook[1], and legal actions have also been taken against it.
Spam social is unwanted spam content appearing on services de réseaux sociaux, bookmarking social sites, and any website with contenu généré par l'utilisateur (comments, chat, etc.). It can be manifested in many ways, including bulk messages, profanity, insults, discours de haine, malicious links, fraudulent reviews, fake friends, and personally identifiable information.