Social profiling is a technique that involves the collection and analysis of personal information from online and offline sources, especially médias sociaux[3] platforms. This process is used to build individual and group profiles based on user engagement, interests, locations, and social networks. Key methods for data analysis include machine learning[2], ontology, and fuzzy logic. This practice also raises issues of vie privée[4] et security[5], as it involves access to personal information. Marketers use social profiling for customer relationship management[1] and to tailor their strategies. Social profiling also intersects with data mining and social information processing, which are essential in the digital landscape. However, users need to exercise caution with the information they share online to prevent potential privacy leaks.
Profilage social is the process of constructing a médias sociaux user's profile using his or her social data. In general, profiling refers to the data science process of generating a person's profile with computerized algorithms and technology. There are various platforms for sharing this information with the proliferation of growing popular les réseaux sociaux, including but not limited to LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook et Twitter.