Théorie de l'exposition sélective

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Selective Exposure Theory is a concept that underscores the human tendency to favor information that aligns with their existing beliefs and views, while consciously disregarding or ignoring information that contradicts them. Rooted in cognitive dissonance theory, it posits the importance of cognitive equilibrium in our process of interpreting and accepting information. This theory greatly impacts individual and group decision-making processes, as people often resist changing their beliefs even when faced with conflicting information. It is closely tied to media and communication, influencing how we consume and process media content. Besides, it plays a prominent role in shaping politics and political beliefs. The theory is explored and expanded upon in various models such as Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory and Klapper’s Selective Exposure theory. Understanding this theory is crucial, as it has wide-ranging implications in multiple fields including la consommation des médias[1], decision-making, and group dynamics.

Définitions des termes
1. la consommation des médias. La consommation de médias fait référence au processus d'utilisation, d'incorporation ou d'interaction avec différentes formes de médias, telles que la télévision, l'internet, les journaux et les médias sociaux. Ce concept remonte à la création de mots et d'images et a évolué de manière significative avec la progression des technologies de communication. Des innovations telles que la presse à imprimer, la photographie, les caméras de cinéma et les appareils de télécommunication ont toutes façonné la consommation des médias, la rendant plus facile et plus répandue. L'avènement des médias sociaux et des appareils mobiles a encore transformé la consommation de médias, qui est devenue une activité quotidienne, voire horaire, pour de nombreuses personnes. Cependant, cela n'est pas sans effets. La recherche suggère que la consommation de médias peut influencer le comportement des individus, leur perception de la réalité et leur santé mentale. Elle peut également jouer un rôle essentiel dans la formation des attitudes de la société à l'égard de diverses questions. C'est pourquoi l'éducation aux médias, ou la capacité d'analyser de manière critique les messages médiatiques, est considérée comme essentielle dans le monde moderne.

Selective exposure is a theory within the practice of psychologie, often used in media and communication research, that historically refers to individuals' tendency to favorite information which reinforces their pre-existing views while avoiding contradictory information. Selective exposure has also been known and defined as "congeniality bias" or "confirmation bias" in various texts throughout the years.

According to the historical use of the term, people tend to select specific aspects of exposed information which they incorporate into their mindset. These selections are made based on their perspectives, beliefs, attitudes, and decisions. People can mentally dissect the information they are exposed to and select favorable evidence, while ignoring the unfavorable. The foundation of this theory is rooted in the cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger 1957), which asserts that when individuals are confronted with contrasting ideas, certain mental defense mechanisms are activated to produce harmony between new ideas and pre-existing beliefs, which results in cognitive equilibrium. Cognitive equilibrium, which is defined as a state of balance between a person's mental representation of the world and his or her environment, is crucial to understanding selective exposure theory. According to Jean Piaget, when a mismatch occurs, people find it to be "inherently dissatisfying".

Selective exposure relies on the assumption that one will continue to seek out information on an issue even after an individual has taken a stance on it. The position that a person has taken will be colored by various factors of that issue that are reinforced during the decision-making process. According to Stroud (2008), theoretically, selective exposure occurs when people's beliefs guide their media selections.

Selective exposure has been displayed in various contexts such as self-serving situations and situations in which people hold prejudices regarding outgroups, particular opinions, and personal and group-related issues. Perceived usefulness of information, perceived norm of fairness, and curiosity of valuable information are three factors that can counteract selective exposure.

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