Page de résultats des moteurs de recherche

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A Moteur de recherche[2] Results Page (SERP) is a list of web pages shown by a search engine in response to a specific keyword query made by the user. The main parts of a SERP include organic search results, query, and advertisements. Organic results refer to the listings generated by the search engine’s algorithme[3] based on relevance to the user’s search query. On the other hand, sponsored results or advertisements, are paid listings that appear above organic results. SERPs also feature rich snippets, which provide a brief summary of the webpage’s content to give users a quick overview. These results are typically shown on major search engines like Google[4], Yahoo ![5], Bing, Petal, Sogou, among others. Understanding SERPs and how they work is essential for enhancing user experience[1] and tailoring search results to user needs.

Définitions des termes
1. user experience. User Experience (UX) is a broad term that encompasses every aspect of an end-user's interaction with a company, its services, or its products. This includes users' perceptions and responses, both emotional and cognitive, during and after the use of a system, product, or service. User Experience also involves users' beliefs, preferences, and behaviors. While usability, a component of UX, focuses on the practical aspects of a system, UX incorporates a holistic view of system use. User experience is a vital factor in increasing brand loyalty and customer base growth. Its history dates back to the Machine Age, with notable contributions from figures like Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henry Ford, and Donald Norman. Today, technology advancements continue to shape and expand the field.Developer Experience (DX) is the analog of UX for software developers. It represents the experience developers have with the tools, processes, and software they use in their work. A high-quality DX can significantly impact the overall user experience, thus contributing to the success of the product. The importance of DX is increasingly recognized in the field of software services, where ease of use can serve as a key market differentiator. This concept has been explored by various authors and researchers, and it's also emphasized in international standards like ISO 9241-210, which advocates for human-centered design.
2. Moteur de recherche ( Moteur de recherche ) Un moteur de recherche est un outil essentiel qui fait partie d'un système informatique distribué. Il s'agit d'un système logiciel qui répond aux requêtes des utilisateurs en fournissant une liste d'hyperliens, de résumés et d'images. Il utilise un système d'indexation complexe, qui est continuellement mis à jour par des robots d'indexation qui exploitent les données des serveurs web. Certains contenus restent toutefois inaccessibles à ces robots. La vitesse et l'efficacité d'un moteur de recherche dépendent fortement de son système d'indexation. Les utilisateurs interagissent avec les moteurs de recherche par l'intermédiaire d'un navigateur web ou d'une application, en saisissant des requêtes et en recevant des suggestions au fur et à mesure de la saisie. Les résultats peuvent être filtrés selon des types spécifiques et le système est accessible sur différents appareils. Cet outil est important car il permet aux utilisateurs de naviguer sur le vaste web, de trouver des contenus pertinents et de récupérer efficacement des informations.

A search engine results page (SERP) is a webpage that is displayed by a moteur de recherche in response to a query by a user. The main component of a SERP is the listing of results that are returned by the search engine in response to a keyword query.

The results are of two general types :

The results are normally ranked by pertinence to the query. Each result displayed on the SERP normally includes a title, a link that points to the actual page on the Web, and a short description showing where the keywords have matched content within the page for organic results. For sponsored results, the advertiser chooses what to display.

With the vast amount of content available online, it's no surprise that a single search query can yield countless pages of results. However, in order to avoid overwhelming users, search engines and personal preferences often limit the number of results displayed per page. As a result, subsequent pages may not be as relevant or ranked as highly as the first. Just like the world of traditional print media and its publicité, this enables competitive pricing for page real estate, but is complicated by the dynamics of consumer expectations and intent— unlike static print media where the content and the advertising on every page is the same all of the time for all viewers, despite such hard copy being localized to some degree, usually geographic, like state, metro-area, city, or neighbourhood, search engine results can vary based on individual factors such as browsing habits.

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