Site racleur

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A scraper site is a type of site web[3] that automatically pulls content from other websites without permission, primarily for the purpose of increasing its own traffic and ad revenue. Scraper sites can take various forms, such as search engines like Google[4] that gather content from across the web, or image analysis sites that use scraping to identify specific visuals like pests on crops. They can also be created solely for publicité[1], known as Made for AdSense sites, which exist to attract visitors to click on ads. However, these sites can face legal issues as they may violate droit d'auteur[2] laws if they republish content without giving proper credit to the original authors. Techniques used by scraper sites vary based on their objectives, with some targeting large content sites or RSS feeds. Some even engage in domain hijacking, buying up expired domains for SEO benefits. Despite their potential for misuse, scraper sites play a significant role in the digital landscape.

Définitions des termes
1. publicité. Advertising is a form of communication used to inform or persuade an audience, often with the goal of selling a product or service. Its history dates back to ancient civilizations, where Egyptians used papyrus for sales messages, and wall paintings were used in ancient Asia, Africa, and South America for promotional purposes. The medium evolved over time, from print in newspapers to audio-visual and digital mediums, with the rise of mass media and technological advancements. Advertising strategies can vary, aiming to raise awareness or drive sales, and can target different audiences on a local, national, or global scale. Various methods include print, radio, web banners, and television ads, among others. New trends have emerged in the advertising business models, like guerrilla marketing and interactive ads. The role of women in advertising has also been notable, with their insights being valued due to their purchasing power.
2. droit d'auteur. Le droit d'auteur est un terme juridique qui confère au créateur d'une œuvre originale des droits exclusifs d'utilisation et de distribution, généralement pour une période de temps limitée. Ce concept a vu le jour en Angleterre, avec l'adoption du Licensing of the Press Act en 1662 et du Statute of Anne en 1710. Au fil des siècles, les lois sur le droit d'auteur ont considérablement évolué, et des traités et conventions internationaux tels que la Convention de Berne et la Convention universelle sur le droit d'auteur ont normalisé ces droits à l'échelle mondiale. Le droit d'auteur s'applique à une grande variété d'expressions créatives, notamment les œuvres littéraires, la musique, les films, les chorégraphies, les peintures, les logiciels, les émissions et les dessins. Il est important de noter que la protection du droit d'auteur exige un niveau minimal d'originalité et qu'elle expire généralement après une période déterminée.
Site racleur (Wikipedia)

A scraper site est un site web that copies content from other websites using web scraping. The content is then mirrored with the goal of creating revenue, usually through advertising and sometimes by selling user data.

Scraper sites come in various forms: Some provide little if any material or information and are intended to obtain user information such as e-mail addresses to be targeted for spam e-mail. Price aggregation and shopping sites access multiple listings of a product and allow a user to rapidly compare the prices.

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