Publicity, derived from the French word ‘publicité’, is a strategic promotional tool aimed at intentional consommateur[6] exposure. It began in the 19th century United States where companies utilized explanations, demonstrations, and exaggerations to gain public attention. Later, the approach was refined by Albert Lasker who introduced consumer psychology into publicité[4]. Though often mistaken as a form of sales promotion[3], publicity serves as a result of relations publiques[2], providing favorable information to media and third-party outlets. The role of a publicist is crucial in this realm, as they generate, manage, and shape publicity to influence the public’s view of companies, individuals, or works. Negative publicity, while potentially damaging to a incendie[7]’s réputation[5] and revenue, can be managed through strategies such as corporate social responsibility[1] (CSR). Despite the common misconception, a significant portion of publicity is not free but paid for.
Au marketing, publicity is the public visibility or awareness for any produit, service, person ou organization. It may also refer to the movement of information from its source to the general public, often (but not always) via the médias. The subjects of publicity include people of public recognition, goods and services, organizations, and works of art or entertainment.
A publicist is someone that carries out publicity, while relations publiques (PR) is the strategic management function that helps an organization establish and maintain communication with the public. This can be done internally, without the use of popular media. From a marketing perspective, publicity is one component of promotion and marketing. The other elements of the promotional mix sont publicité, sales promotion, direct marketing et personal selling.
Organizations will sometimes organize events designed to attract media coverage, and subsequently, provide positive publicity; these events are known as publicity stunts.