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Pinterest is a popular médias sociaux[1] platform that began its journey in December 2009. It was created by Ben Silbermann and Paul Sciarra, who initially developed an app called Tote. After facing challenges with Tote, they pivoted to Pinterest, which officially launched in March 2010. In less than a year, Pinterest gained significant traction with around 10,000 users and was listed as one of Time’s 50 Best Websites in 2011. With a focus on visual search and e-commerce, Pinterest has evolved over the years, introducing features like mobile apps and business accounts. In 2019, it went public and reported an publicité[2] revenue of $1.7 billion the following year. Recently, Pinterest launched a new feature called Pinterest Première[3], which offers targeted video ads to users, showing the platform’s continued evolution and growth in the digital advertising space.

Définitions des termes
1. médias sociaux. Les médias sociaux sont un terme général qui englobe une variété d'outils et de plateformes numériques qui facilitent le partage d'informations et la création de communautés virtuelles. Issus des premiers systèmes comme PLATO et ARPANET, ils ont évolué vers des plateformes modernes comme Facebook et Twitter. Ces plateformes offrent des caractéristiques uniques qui les différencient des médias traditionnels, notamment la possibilité pour les utilisateurs de générer du contenu et de s'engager dans une communication dialogique. Elles accueillent plus de 100 millions d'utilisateurs dans le monde et offrent différentes formes de services, telles que des applications de messagerie et des plateformes de création de contenu collaboratif. L'utilisation des médias sociaux a des répercussions considérables sur les individus, la société et les entreprises, influençant tout, des pratiques de marketing aux processus politiques. Cependant, elle est également associée à des préoccupations éthiques, telles que la diffusion de fausses informations et la dépendance potentielle.
2. publicité. Advertising is a form of communication used to inform or persuade an audience, often with the goal of selling a product or service. Its history dates back to ancient civilizations, where Egyptians used papyrus for sales messages, and wall paintings were used in ancient Asia, Africa, and South America for promotional purposes. The medium evolved over time, from print in newspapers to audio-visual and digital mediums, with the rise of mass media and technological advancements. Advertising strategies can vary, aiming to raise awareness or drive sales, and can target different audiences on a local, national, or global scale. Various methods include print, radio, web banners, and television ads, among others. New trends have emerged in the advertising business models, like guerrilla marketing and interactive ads. The role of women in advertising has also been notable, with their insights being valued due to their purchasing power.
Pinterest (Wikipedia)

Pinterest is an American image sharing et médias sociaux service designed to enable saving and discovery of information (specifically "ideas") like recipes, home, style, motivation, and inspiration on the internet using images and, on a smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos, in the form of pinboards. Created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarraet Evan Sharp, Pinterest, Inc. is headquartered in San Francisco.

Pinterest, Inc.
Logo used since June 2017
The default page shown to logged-out users (the background montage images are variable)
Type of businessPublic
Type de site
Social media service
Traded as
FondéeDecember 2009; 14 years ago (2009-12)
SiègeSan Francisco, California, U.S.
Key people
  • Bill Ready
  • Ben Silberman
    (Executive Chairman)
RecettesAugmentation US$3.06 billion (2023)
Revenu d'exploitationDiminution US$−126 million (2023)
Revenu netNegative increase US$−36 million (2023)
Total des actifsDiminution US$3.59 billion (2023)
Total des capitaux propresDiminution US$3.09 billion (2023)
Employees4,014 (2023)
Utilisateurs450 million MAU (2022)
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