Les milléniaux

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Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Echo Boomers, are individuals born between the years 1981 and 1996, according to various sources including Pew Research Center, Brookings Institution, and Gallup. This generation, which follows Generation X and precedes Generation Z, is named after the turn of the millennium. They are the offspring of Baby Boomers and older Generation X, and the parents of Generation Alpha. Millennials are recognized as the first global generation, highly influenced by the Internet[2] and often referred to as digital natives. They exhibit unique characteristics such as high usage of mobile devices, médias sociaux[1], and are known for facing various economic challenges. Their social and cultural impacts include trends like delayed marriage, fewer children, and a decline in religious affiliation. Despite these general trends, many Millennials don’t identify with the label.

Définitions des termes
1. médias sociaux. Les médias sociaux sont un terme général qui englobe une variété d'outils et de plateformes numériques qui facilitent le partage d'informations et la création de communautés virtuelles. Issus des premiers systèmes comme PLATO et ARPANET, ils ont évolué vers des plateformes modernes comme Facebook et Twitter. Ces plateformes offrent des caractéristiques uniques qui les différencient des médias traditionnels, notamment la possibilité pour les utilisateurs de générer du contenu et de s'engager dans une communication dialogique. Elles accueillent plus de 100 millions d'utilisateurs dans le monde et offrent différentes formes de services, telles que des applications de messagerie et des plateformes de création de contenu collaboratif. L'utilisation des médias sociaux a des répercussions considérables sur les individus, la société et les entreprises, influençant tout, des pratiques de marketing aux processus politiques. Cependant, elle est également associée à des préoccupations éthiques, telles que la diffusion de fausses informations et la dépendance potentielle.
2. Internet. L'internet est un système mondial de réseaux informatiques interconnectés qui utilisent des protocoles de communication normalisés, principalement le TCP/IP, pour relier des appareils dans le monde entier. Issu du terme "internetted" utilisé en 1849, le terme "Internet" a ensuite été utilisé par le ministère américain de la guerre en 1945. Son développement a commencé avec des informaticiens qui ont créé des systèmes de partage de temps dans les années 1960 et a progressé avec la création d'ARPANET en 1969. L'internet est autogéré, sans autorité centrale, et ses principaux espaces de noms sont administrés par l'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Il a considérablement transformé les moyens de communication traditionnels et s'est développé de manière exponentielle au fil des ans, le nombre d'internautes augmentant de 20% à 50% par an. En 2019, plus de la moitié de la population mondiale utilisait l'internet. La suite de protocoles internet, qui comprend le protocole TCP/IP et quatre couches conceptuelles, guide les paquets internet jusqu'à leur destination. Des services essentiels comme le courrier électronique et la téléphonie par internet fonctionnent sur l'internet. Le World Wide Web, une collection mondiale de documents interconnectés, est un élément clé de l'internet.
Les milléniaux (Wikipedia)

Les milléniauxégalement connu sous le nom de Generation Y (often shortened to Gen Y), are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the generation typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996. Most Millennials are the children of Baby Boomers and older Generation X. In turn Millennials are often the parents of Generation Alpha.

As the first generation to grow up with the Internet, Millennials have also been described as the first global generation. The generation is generally marked by elevated usage of and familiarity with the Internet, appareils mobileset médias sociaux. The term "digital natives", which is now also applied to successive generations, was originally coined to describe this generation.

Millennials have also been called the "Unluckiest Generation" because the average Millennial has experienced slower economic growth since entering the workforce than any other generation in U.S. history. The generation has also been weighed down by student debt et child-care costs.

Across the globe, young people have postponed marriage or living together as a couple. Millennials were born at a time of declining fertility rates around the world, and are having fewer children than their predecessors. Those in developing nations will continue to constitute the bulk of global population growth. In the developed countries, young people of the 2010s were less inclined to have sexual intercourse compared to their predecessors when they were at the same age. In the West, they are less likely to be religious than their predecessors, but they may identify as spiritual.

Between the 1990s and the 2010s, people from the developing countries became increasingly well educated, a factor that boosted economic growth in these countries. Millennials across the world have suffered significant economic disruption since starting their working lives; many faced high levels of youth unemployment during their early years in the job market in the wake of the Great Recession, and suffered another recession in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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