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MarketWatch is a financial information site web[2] that was originally established as DBC Online by Data Radiodiffusion[1] Corporation in 1995. The website, registered under the domain, was officially launched in 1997 as a cooperative venture between DBC and CBS News. Thom Calandra was the inaugural editor-in-chief, succeeded by David Callaway, who was hired in 1999. MarketWatch transitioned into a public entity in 1999, amidst the dot-com bubble. It also partnered with the Financial Times in 2000. In a significant development, Dow Jones & Company acquired MarketWatch in 2005 for $528 million. In recent years, it has moved towards a paywalled subscription model, as announced in October 2020. The current editor-in-chief, as of March 2022, is Mark DeCambre.

Définitions des termes
1. Radiodiffusion ( Broadcasting ) Broadcasting, a key aspect in the realm of communication, has a rich and diverse history. It began with the transmission of telegraph signals over airwaves using Morse code, evolving into wireless communication and commercial radio broadcasting for news and entertainment. Broadcasting methods have advanced over the years, from central high-powered towers transmitting electromagnetic waves to receivers, to the digital age of streaming services. This influential technology plays an essential role in disseminating information and entertainment, shaping society, culture, and communication. Broadcasting encompasses various methods like radio, television, and internet streaming, and different types of services, such as public, community, and commercial. Technological advances have transformed the industry, with the internet and mobile devices making broadcasting more accessible globally.
2. site web. Ce texte traite principalement du concept de "site web". Un site web est un ensemble de pages web interconnectées, comprenant généralement une page d'accueil, situées sur le même serveur et préparées et maintenues comme un ensemble de données par une personne, un groupe ou une organisation. Les sites web sont une pierre angulaire de l'internet, servant de centres d'information, de commerce, de communication et de divertissement. Ils peuvent revêtir diverses formes, telles que des sites commerciaux, des sites de jeux, des plateformes universitaires ou des sites de réseaux sociaux. Les sites web ont évolué au fil du temps, passant du texte et des images statiques à des plateformes multimédias dynamiques et interactives. Le développement et la fonctionnalité des sites web sont régis par les normes web établies par le World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Les sites web sont également influencés par les progrès de la technologie des serveurs web et les principes de conception tels que le responsive design.
MarketWatch (Wikipedia)

MarketWatch is a website that provides financial information, business news, analysis, and stock market data. It is a filiale ou Dow Jones & Company, a property of News Corp, along with The Wall Street Journal et Barron's.

Type de site
Financial Information
SiègeNew York City
PropriétaireDow Jones & Company
EditorMark DeCambre
LancéOctober 30, 1997; 26 years ago (1997-10-30)
Statut actuelEn ligne
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