“Marketing Strategy” is a term that encompasses a company’s broad plan for its marketing efforts. It includes mapping out the direction for future planning periods, focusing on client[2] value, and anticipating growth. This strategic planning aims to bridge the strategic gap for sustainable growth by organizing resources for a competitive edge. A marketing strategy also involves long-range planning to identify new business opportunities and potential threats. It utilizes various components such as pricing, customer service, go-to-market strategy, packaging, and market mapping. Additionally, this strategy uses metrics for tracking performance and strategic analysis to identify the company’s current position. It also requires a clear vision and mission statement for the organization. Furthermore, strategic planners use various research tools and analytical techniques to evaluate competitive incendie[3] performance. Ultimately, a marketing strategy seeks to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage[1].
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Stratégie de marketing is an organization's promotional efforts to allocate its resources across a wide range of platforms and channels to increase its ventes and achieve sustainable competitive advantage within its corresponding market.
Strategic marketing emerged in the 1970s and 80s as a distinct field of study, branching out of strategic management. Marketing strategy highlights the role of marketing as a link between the organization and its customers, leveraging the combination of resources and capabilities within an organization to achieve a competitive advantage.