Facebook[2] is a popular médias sociaux[1] platform that offers a variety of features to its users. The structure of Facebook is designed around the ‘News Feed’, which is the primary system for displaying content. It uses an algorithme[3] called ‘EdgeRank[4]’ to select which updates are shown from a pool of potential updates. The News Feed highlights profile changes, events, and birthdays and allows users to customize what updates they see. The platform also allows users to send and receive friend requests, with the option to unfriend others. The ‘Wall’ is the original profile space where users could post content, which was later replaced by the ‘Timeline’ layout in 2011. The ‘Timeline’ layout displays content based on year, month, and date, encouraging users to scroll through past activities. Finally, in 2009, Facebook introduced the ‘Like’ button as a way for users to interact with various types of content. This button has since expanded to include a range of reactions and is also used for advertisements.
Facebook est un social-network service website launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg. The following is a list of software and technology features that can be found on the Facebook website and mobile app and are available to users of the médias sociaux site.