Lawfare is a strategy that intertwines law and warfare, first coined as a term in 1975. It’s a tactical approach where law is used as a weapon, sometimes replacing traditional military conflict. This concept, however, is often viewed as a cynical manipulation of the rule of law. The practice of Lawfare can be associated with the principle of universal jurisdiction, where one country may prosecute officials of another. It has been notably used in different global contexts, like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and territorial disputes in the South China Sea. In some instances, lawsuits in foreign courts against political dissidents or officials have been seen as examples of Lawfare.
La guerre du droit est l'utilisation de legal systems et institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual's usage of their legal rights.
The term may refer to the use of legal systems and principles against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, wasting their time and money (e.g., SLAPP suits), or winning a relations publiques victory.
Alternatively, it may describe a tactic used by repressive regimes to label and discourage civil society or individuals from claiming their legal rights via national or international legal systems. This is especially common in situations when individuals and civil society use nonviolent methods to highlight or oppose discrimination, corruption, lack of democracy, limiting freedom of speech, violations of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law.