L'influence au service de l'entreprise

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“Influence-for-hire” refers to a growing online phenomenon where discussions, opinions, and information are manipulated for a fee, often as part of a larger political or strategic agenda. This practice is increasingly used by individuals, organizations, and even governments to steer public opinion and control narrative in their favor. Networks engaged in influence-for-hire services have been linked to various international incidents, including misinformation campaigns during the COVID-19 pandemic and manipulative activities involving countries like Ukraine, China, Australia, and Taiwan. Facebook[2]’s takedown of a Ukrainian influence-for-hire network in May 2021 highlights the platform’s active role in combatting such activities. However, the growth of this online shadow economy raises significant concerns about foreign interference and the spread of disinformation[1]. Consequently, it’s recommended that governments and platforms collaborate to counter these activities.

Définitions des termes
1. disinformation. Disinformation is a complex concept with roots tracing back to the Proto-Indo-European language family. It refers to the intentional spreading of false or misleading information, often for political or social influence. This phenomenon became widespread in the 1980s and has been a subject of extensive research to understand its origins, methods, and impacts. Disinformation is often used in deception campaigns on social media and is distinct from misinformation and malinformation. It's common in political arenas, where it can confuse citizens and discourage their engagement. Disinformation has global implications, being used by governments, NGOs, and businesses worldwide. It can undermine election security and create societal divisions. Various countermeasures have been initiated by organizations like NATO and the EU to address this issue. The study of disinformation also extends to ethical considerations and its role in warfare. Despite these efforts, disinformation remains a challenging issue due to its widespread prevalence and the difficulty in assessing its true impact.
2. Facebook ( Facebook ) Facebook, aujourd'hui connu sous le nom de Meta Platforms, est une grande société Internet qui a débuté comme plateforme de réseau social. Fondé par Mark Zuckerberg en 2004, Facebook s'est rapidement étendu de Harvard à d'autres universités, puis au grand public, devenant ainsi un phénomène mondial. Il est connu pour son interface conviviale et ses diverses fonctionnalités telles que les groupes, la plateforme pour développeurs et Facebook Dating. Bien que critiqué pour des questions telles que les atteintes à la vie privée et la diffusion de fausses nouvelles, Facebook est resté un acteur dominant du monde en ligne. L'entreprise a fait des progrès considérables dans le domaine de la technologie, notamment en développant son système unique de stockage de données, en utilisant PHP pour sa plateforme et en lançant le langage de programmation Hack. Ces dernières années, l'entreprise s'est tournée vers le métavers, un espace de réalité virtuelle où les utilisateurs peuvent interagir avec un environnement généré par ordinateur.

L'influence au service de l'entreprise ou collective influence, refers to the economy that has emerged around buying and selling influence sur social media platforms.

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