Industrial marketing, also known as business-to-business[1] (B2B) marketing, is a specialized field of marketing. It evolved in the 1980s from being primarily industry-focused to being more business-oriented. This shift was formalized in the late 1990s with the emergence of the term ‘business marketing[2].’ B2B marketing is characterized by its one-to-one nature, the involvement of professional buyers, and complex selling processes. The lines between industrial and consommateur[4] marketing have blurred over time, with many products being desired by both businesses and consumers. Procurement is a key aspect of industrial marketing, with competitive tendering being a common practice. Industrial marketers often engage in business-to-government marketing, which involves selling to government agencies and bidding on contracts. In this field, strategies are often tailored to target specific client[3] segments, and the success of these strategies is often measured using metrics like the hit rate.
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Marketing industriel ou business-to-business marketing est le marketing of goods and services by one business to another. Industrial goods are those an industry uses to produce an end product from one or more raw material. The term, industrial marketing has largely been replaced by the term B2B marketing (i.e. business to business marketing).