Gemini (chatbot)

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Gemini is an intelligence artificielle[1] (AI) chatbot[4] developed by Google[5]. Launched in 2024, it’s a fusion of two earlier AI projects, Bard and Duet AI. The creation of Gemini was largely a response to the popularity of OpenAI[6]’s ChatGPT. It was initially tested by a select group of 10,000 users before its official release. Gemini is integrated into Recherche Google[2], providing users with a conversational AI assistant. It gained global attention and was showcased at the 2023 Google I/O keynote. However, Gemini’s reception was mixed, with some controversies surrounding its output. It also features in an Android app launched in February 2024. Despite challenges, Gemini represents an important step in the ongoing development of AI technologie[3].

Définitions des termes
1. intelligence artificielle.
1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the field of computer science that aims to create systems capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. These tasks include reasoning, learning, planning, perception, and language understanding. AI draws from different fields including psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and neuroscience. The field is prominent in developing machine learning models and natural language processing systems. It also plays a significant role in creating virtual assistants and affective computing systems. AI applications extend across various sectors including healthcare, industry, government, and education. Despite its benefits, AI also raises ethical and societal concerns, necessitating regulatory policies. AI continues to evolve with advanced techniques such as deep learning and generative AI, offering new possibilities in various industries.
2 Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as AI, is a field of computer science dedicated to creating intelligent machines that perform tasks typically requiring human intellect. These tasks include problem-solving, recognizing speech, understanding natural language, and making decisions. AI is categorised into two types: narrow AI, which is designed to perform a specific task, like voice recognition, and general AI, which can perform any intellectual tasks a human being can do. It's a continuously evolving technology that draws from various fields including computer science, mathematics, psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience. The core concepts of AI include reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, natural language processing, and perception. AI has wide-ranging applications across numerous sectors, from healthcare and gaming to military and creativity, and its ethical considerations and challenges are pivotal to its development and implementation.
2. Recherche Google ( Recherche Google )
1 Google Search est un puissant moteur de recherche Internet développé par Google. Il utilise des algorithmes et des systèmes d'indexation complexes pour parcourir des centaines de téraoctets d'informations sur le web et fournir aux utilisateurs des liens vers des pages pertinentes, y compris des versions en cache de sites actuellement indisponibles. Google Search prend en charge différents types de fichiers, tels que les PDF et les documents Word. La plateforme comprend des fonctionnalités telles que SafeSearch, qui filtre les contenus explicites, et fournit une analyse détaillée de l'importance d'un site grâce à son système breveté PageRank. Google Search se targue également d'une interface conviviale avec des fonctionnalités telles que les extraits enrichis, le Knowledge Graph et l'onglet Personnel, qui améliorent l'expérience de recherche de l'utilisateur. En outre, il a évolué pour offrir des fonctionnalités de recherche d'images, d'actualités et de vidéos, et même de recherche vocale dans le navigateur Chrome. Au-delà de la recherche de pages web, Google exploite une série d'outils et de services, offrant une expérience de recherche internet complète et personnalisée.
2 Google Search est un moteur de recherche en ligne développé par Google. Il est connu pour sa grande capacité d'indexation, englobant des centaines de téraoctets d'informations provenant d'innombrables pages web et de divers types de fichiers. Google Search n'a cessé d'évoluer depuis son lancement en 2012, avec d'importantes mises à jour d'algorithmes comme Caffeine et Medic visant à améliorer la vitesse, la pertinence et la convivialité. Il offre diverses fonctionnalités, notamment SafeSearch, PageRank et Google Discover, qui permettent d'affiner et de personnaliser les résultats de recherche. Son interface comprend des extraits enrichis et des cartes, ainsi qu'un graphique de connaissances pour des résultats détaillés. Malgré les rapports faisant état d'une baisse de la qualité des résultats de recherche ces dernières années, Google continue de lutter contre le spam et d'améliorer ses algorithmes de base. La plateforme offre également un éventail d'outils pour la recherche de pages web, d'images, d'actualités et de vidéos. Google Search est largement utilisé dans le monde entier et a donné naissance à une industrie de consultants en optimisation des moteurs de recherche.
Gemini (chatbot) (Wikipedia)

Gémeaux, formerly known as Bard, is a intelligence artificielle générative chatbot developed by Google. Based on the large language model (LLM) of the same name and developed as a direct response to the meteoric rise of OpenAI's ChatGPT, it was launched in a limited capacity in March 2023 before expanding to other countries in May. It was previously based on PaLM, and initially the LaMDA family of large language models.

Developer(s)Google AI
Initial releaseMarch 21, 2023; 12 months ago (2023-03-21)
Stable release
March 4, 2024; 37 days ago (2024-03-04)
Système d'exploitation
Available in46 languages
239 countries
Site Modifier ceci sur Wikidata

LaMDA had been developed and announced in 2021, but it was not released to the public out of an abundance of caution. OpenAI's launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 and its subsequent popularity caught Google executives off-guard and sent them into a panic, prompting a sweeping response in the ensuing months. After mobilizing its workforce, the company launched Bard in February 2023, which took center stage during the 2023 Google I/O keynote in May and was upgraded to the Gemini LLM in December. Bard and Duet AI were unified under the Gemini brand in February 2024, coinciding with the launch of an Android app.

Gemini has received lukewarm responses. It became the center of controversy in February 2024, when social media users and conservative commentators reported that it was generating historically inaccurate images of historical figures as people of color.

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