Fact-checking is a critical process in journalism and information dissemination, used to verify the accuracy of statements, claims, and news. It originated in the 1850s in response to sensationalist newspapers and has evolved significantly since, with key contributors including the Associated Press, Ralph Pulitzer, Henry Luce, and The New Yorker. Fact-checking can be done before (ante hoc) or after (post hoc) information is published, with various organizations and media outlets dedicated to the task. It holds significant influence in political discourse[1], deterring politicians from spreading misinformation and impacting public perception and belief in political claims. Fact-checking also extends to informal contexts, where individuals and technologie[2] play a role in verifying news and identifying fake news[3]. Despite its effectiveness, fact-checking alone may not fully combat misinformation, necessitating its inclusion in educational curriculums.
Vérification des faits is the process of verifying the factual accuracy of questioned reporting and statements. Fact-checking can be conducted before or after the text or content is published or otherwise disseminated. Internal fact-checking is such checking done in-house by the publisher to prevent inaccurate content from being published; when the text is analyzed by a third party, the process is called external fact-checking.
Research suggests that fact-checking can indeed correct perceptions among citizens, as well as discourage politicians from spreading false or misleading claims. However, corrections may decay over time or be overwhelmed by cues from elites who promote less accurate claims. Political fact-checking is sometimes criticized as being opinion journalism. A review of US politics fact-checkers shows a mixed result of whether fact-checking is an effective way to reduce misconceptions, and whether the method is reliable.