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Douban, also known as Beijing Douwang Technologie[2] Co. Ltd., is a Chinese social networking platform founded by Yang Bo. It was launched on March 6, 2005, and since then has grown to host 150 million registered users and 300 million monthly active users[1] as of 2016. The site web[3], which is likened to the review sites IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, features 16.7 million book entries and 320 million movie reviews. Douban has also branched out to create Lüzong, a travel website, and Douban Dongxi, a shopping platform. However, the platform has faced controversy due to censorship issues, including the removal of Renaissance art paintings, keyword bans, and allegations of manipulated ratings. Despite these challenges, Douban continues to be a major player in China’s digital landscape.

Définitions des termes
1. active users. "Active Users" is a term that refers to individuals who engage with an online platform or application during a specific time period. This term is pivotal in various sectors including business, academia, and research. In business, metrics related to active users aid in predicting growth trends, customer engagement, and potential revenue streams. In academia and research, studying active user behavior contributes to the understanding of online behavioral patterns. Ethical considerations around active users shed light on the importance of informed consent, data privacy, and confidentiality in the online realm. There are also technical challenges in defining and accurately measuring active users due to varying practices across different companies. Additionally, active user data plays a crucial role in predictive analytics and policy considerations regarding technology use and online safety.
2. Technologie ( Technology ) La technologie, dérivée des mots grecs signifiant artisanat et connaissance, est un terme général qui désigne les outils, les machines et les systèmes mis au point par l'homme pour résoudre des problèmes ou atteindre des objectifs. Née avec des outils primitifs comme les haches de pierre et la découverte du feu, la technologie a évolué de manière significative tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité. Elle a joué un rôle déterminant à différentes époques, depuis l'invention de la roue et des systèmes d'irrigation avancés dans les civilisations anciennes jusqu'à la naissance des universités et de la presse à imprimer au cours des périodes médiévale et de la Renaissance. La révolution industrielle du XVIIIe siècle a marqué un tournant important dans la production de masse et l'innovation, donnant naissance aux technologies modernes telles que l'électricité, l'automobile et les plates-formes de communication numérique. Aujourd'hui, la technologie fait partie intégrante de divers aspects de la vie et de la société, stimulant la croissance économique et les changements sociétaux, tout en suscitant des préoccupations en matière de sécurité, de respect de la vie privée et d'incidences sur l'environnement. L'avenir de la technologie devrait apporter encore plus de progrès, avec l'essor de l'intelligence artificielle qui devrait avoir des implications significatives sur le marché du travail.
Douban (Wikipedia) (Chinese: 豆瓣; pinyin: Dòubàn), launched on 6 March 2005, is a Chinese online database et service de réseau social that allows registered users to record information and create content related to film, books, music, recent events, and activities in Chinese cities. Douban is named after a Hutong à Chaoyang District, Beijing where the founder lived while he began work on the website.

Type de site
Web 2.0, Service de réseau social, En ligne music, movie et book database
Available inChinese
Key peopleYang Bo
LancéMarch 6, 2005; 19 years ago (2005-03-06)
Statut actuelActif

Douban was formerly open to both registered and unregistered users. For registered users, the website recommends potentially interesting books, movies, and music to them in addition to serving as a social network website such as WeChat, Weibo and record keeper. For unregistered users, the website is a place to find ratings and reviews of media.

Douban has about 200 million registered users as of 2013 and some Chinese authors as well as critics register their official personal pages on the site. The platform has been compared to other review sites such as IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes et Goodreads.

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