Door-to-door refers to a ventes[2] or promotional strategy where representatives of a company or organization directly approach homes or businesses to sell products, offer services, or impart information. This method originated from peddling and has adapted to modern times, incorporating technologie[1] and data analytics for targeted sales. Industries like construction, telecommunications, energy, and home improvement commonly use this strategy. Despite legal challenges and market shifts, door-to-door sales continue to thrive, with significant growth noted in the past decade. This approach is not solely limited to sales; it’s also used in religious evangelism, law enforcement, and detective work. Despite challenges like safety concerns and competition from digital channels, door-to-door remains a crucial strategy due to its emphasis on personal interaction.
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Porte à porte est un canvassing technique that is generally used for ventes, marketing, publicité, evangelism ou campaigning, in which the person or persons walk from the door of one house to the door of another, trying to sell or advertise a product or service to the general public or gather information. People who use this sales approach are often known as traveling salesmen, or by the archaic name drummer (someone who "drums up" business), and the technique is also sometimes called direct sales. A variant of this involves cold calling first, when another sales representative attempts to gain agreement that a salesperson should visit.

Historically, this was a major method of distributing goods outside large towns, with the salesmen, often self-employed known as pedlars or peddlers, also hawkers. With the huge growth of retail shops in the 19th century, it became less important, and the development of mail order and finally sales via the Internet gradually reduced its significance in advanced economies except in a few fields, such as repairs and improvements to homes.