Conférence de données

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Conférence de données[1] is a digital communication method that involves the sharing and collaboration of data in real-time. Often used in educational settings for e-learning, it allows participants to interact and engage with each other and the data simultaneously, making it a powerful tool for distance learning and remote work. This method of communication is a subset of groupware and ordinateur[2] networking, which are systems that facilitate the work of groups by providing tools and interfaces for users to share and manage information. Research publications and articles often contribute to advancements in the field, enhancing its features and capabilities. Data conferencing can also be utilized in a variety of other contexts, such as business meetings, technical support, and collaborative projects. Examples of software that facilitate data conferencing include TeamViewer, AnyDesk, and Chrome Remote Desktop.

Définitions des termes
1. Conférence de données ( Data conferencing )
1 Data conferencing is a digital communication method that involves the sharing and collaboration of data in real-time. Often used in educational settings for e-learning, it allows participants to interact and engage with each other and the data simultaneously, making it a powerful tool for distance learning and remote work. This method of communication is a subset of groupware and computer networking, which are systems that facilitate the work of groups by providing tools and interfaces for users to share and manage information. Research publications and articles often contribute to advancements in the field, enhancing its features and capabilities. Data conferencing can also be utilized in a variety of other contexts, such as business meetings, technical support, and collaborative projects. Examples of software that facilitate data conferencing include TeamViewer, AnyDesk, and Chrome Remote Desktop.
2 Data conferencing is a digital communication method that involves the sharing and collaboration of data in real-time. Often used in educational settings for e-learning, it allows participants to interact and engage with each other and the data simultaneously, making it a powerful tool for distance learning and remote work. This method of communication is a subset of groupware and computer networking, which are systems that facilitate the work of groups by providing tools and interfaces for users to share and manage information. Research publications and articles often contribute to advancements in the field, enhancing its features and capabilities. Data conferencing can also be utilized in a variety of other contexts, such as business meetings, technical support, and collaborative projects. Examples of software that facilitate data conferencing include TeamViewer, AnyDesk, and Chrome Remote Desktop.
2. ordinateur. Un ordinateur est un appareil sophistiqué qui manipule des données ou des informations conformément à un ensemble d'instructions, appelées programmes. De par leur conception, les ordinateurs peuvent effectuer un large éventail de tâches, allant des simples calculs arithmétiques au traitement et à l'analyse de données complexes. Ils ont évolué au fil des ans, depuis les outils de comptage primitifs comme le boulier jusqu'aux machines numériques modernes. Le cœur d'un ordinateur est son unité centrale de traitement (UC), qui comprend une unité arithmétique et logique (UAL) pour effectuer les opérations mathématiques et des registres pour stocker les données. Les ordinateurs disposent également d'unités de mémoire, comme la ROM et la RAM, pour stocker les informations. Les autres composants comprennent des dispositifs d'entrée/sortie (E/S) qui permettent d'interagir avec la machine et des circuits intégrés qui améliorent la fonctionnalité de l'ordinateur. Des innovations historiques majeures, comme l'invention du premier ordinateur programmable par Charles Babbage et le développement du premier ordinateur numérique électronique automatique, l'ordinateur Atanasoff-Berry (ABC), ont grandement contribué à leur évolution. Aujourd'hui, les ordinateurs alimentent l'internet, relient des milliards d'utilisateurs dans le monde entier et sont devenus un outil essentiel dans presque tous les secteurs d'activité.

Conférence de données refers to a communication session among two or more participants sharing computer données in real time. Interaction and presentation devices such as a screen, keyboard, mouse, camera, etc. can be shared or be able to control each other ordinateur. It is used to distinguish from video conferencing and audio conferencing.

The data can include screen, documents, graphics, drawings and applications that can be seen, annotated or manipulated by participants.

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