Protection des consommateurs

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Consommateur[1] protection refers to the practice of safeguarding buyers from unfair and fraudulent business activities. It is embodied in laws and regulations established in many countries including, but not limited to, Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Nigeria, Taiwan, the UK, and the US. These laws aim to ensure that consumers receive accurate information about products and services, and are not subjected to deceptive trade practices. Enforcement of consumer protection laws is carried out by specific agencies such as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Consumer rights organizations also play an essential role in consumer protection by educating consumers and assisting in dispute resolution. International laws and trade regulations often influence consumer protection laws. Additionally, various mechanisms like cooling-off periods and consumer dispute forums help address consumer complaints promptly. Specific consumer protection measures, such as the FTC Cooling-Off Rule, address issues related to consumer contracts and understanding.

Définitions des termes
1. Consommateur ( Consumer ) Un consommateur, en termes simples, est un individu qui achète des biens ou des services pour son usage personnel et non pour la revente ou à des fins commerciales. Il joue un rôle important dans l'économie, car sa demande de produits incite les fabricants à produire. Cette dynamique influence les processus de production, de distribution et de consommation. Les consommateurs ont également certains droits, établis par le président John F. Kennedy, qui comprennent la sécurité, l'information, le choix, le recours et la représentation. Ces droits les protègent des produits dangereux et des pratiques déloyales. À l'ère du numérique, les consommateurs se transforment en "prosommateurs", participant activement à la création des produits. Le comportement des consommateurs a donc un impact profond sur les stratégies de marketing, conduisant à un marketing personnalisé et à une personnalisation de masse.

Protection des consommateurs is the practice of safeguarding buyers of goods and services, and the public, against unfair practices in the marketplace. Consommateur protection measures are often established by law. Such laws are intended to prevent businesses from engaging in fraud or specified unfair practices to gain an advantage over competitors or to mislead consumers. They may also provide additional protection for the general public which may be impacted by a product (or its production) even when they are not the direct purchaser or consumer of that product. For example, government regulations may require businesses to disclose detailed information about their products—particularly in areas where public health or safety is an issue, such as with food or automobiles.

Consumer protection is linked to the idea of consumer rights and to the formation of consumer organizations, which help consumers make better choices in the marketplace and pursue complaints against businesses. Entities that promote consumer protection include government organizations (such as the Federal Trade Commission in the États-Unis), self-regulating business organizations (such as the Better Business Bureaus in the US, Canada, England, etc.), and non-governmental organizations that advocate for consumer protection laws and help to ensure their enforcement (such as consumer protection agencies and watchdog groups).[citation nécessaire]

A consumer is defined as someone who acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing. Consumer interests can also serve consumers, consistent with economic efficiency, but this topic is treated in competition law. Consumer protection can also be asserted via non-government organizations and individuals as consumer activism.

Efforts made for the protection of consumer's rights and interests are:

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