Connectivité (média)

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Connectivity, in the context of media, refers to the broad concept that has evolved with the progression of the Internet[4], particularly with the advent of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0[5]. It encompasses the advancements in equipment, software, speed, and internet access, and it goes beyond just the technical aspects, adopting a techno-socio-cultural character. Dominant in the 21st-century cultures, connectivity is comparable to the impact of electricity in the previous centuries. It’s a force that’s instrumental in our daily lives, shaping the structure of various media platforms including social networks, content sites, trading sites, and game sites. The term “Culture of Connectivity”, introduced by José van Dijck, captures the intertwining of online and offline practices. It refers to the transformation from networked communication to a performed sociality and participatory culture in the modern world. Connectivity also serves as a form of social capital[1] on platforms like Facebook[2], where algorithms encourage connections. This concept is widely studied in the realms of globalization, consciousness, and new media[3] technologies, with scholars exploring its history, engineering, and logic.

Définitions des termes
1. social capital. Social capital refers to the networks, relationships, and norms of trust that individuals form within a community, which allow them to work together effectively. The concept has historical roots dating back to Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, with its modern usage beginning in the 1890s. Notably, Lyda Hanifan, John Dewey, and Robert Putnam contributed to its development. It is a complex term with various interpretations, including economic, cultural, and social aspects. Social capital fosters societal functioning, entrepreneurship, and strategic alliances, despite potential negative effects such as the rise of harmful movements or perpetuating inequality. Difficulties in measurement and access, particularly due to geographic and social isolation, are key considerations. The concept is often divided into bonding, bridging, and linking types.
2. Facebook ( Facebook ) Facebook, aujourd'hui connu sous le nom de Meta Platforms, est une grande société Internet qui a débuté comme plateforme de réseau social. Fondé par Mark Zuckerberg en 2004, Facebook s'est rapidement étendu de Harvard à d'autres universités, puis au grand public, devenant ainsi un phénomène mondial. Il est connu pour son interface conviviale et ses diverses fonctionnalités telles que les groupes, la plateforme pour développeurs et Facebook Dating. Bien que critiqué pour des questions telles que les atteintes à la vie privée et la diffusion de fausses nouvelles, Facebook est resté un acteur dominant du monde en ligne. L'entreprise a fait des progrès considérables dans le domaine de la technologie, notamment en développant son système unique de stockage de données, en utilisant PHP pour sa plateforme et en lançant le langage de programmation Hack. Ces dernières années, l'entreprise s'est tournée vers le métavers, un espace de réalité virtuelle où les utilisateurs peuvent interagir avec un environnement généré par ordinateur.

Connectivity refers broadly to social connections forged through mediated communications systems. That is, 'since the arrival of the World Wide Web and the spread of mobile communications, mediated connectivity has been quietly normalized as central to a consolidating ‘global imaginary’ One aspect of this is the ability of the médias sociaux to accumulate economic capital from the users' connections and activities on social media platforms by using certain mechanisms in their architecture. According to several scholars (van Dijck and Poell) "it is a key element of social media logic, having a material and metaphorical importance in social media culture".This concept originates from the technological term of "connectivity" but its application to the media field has acquired additional social and cultural implications. The increasing role of social media in everyday life serves as the basis of such connectivity in the 21st century. It shows the interrelations between the users activities on social media and at the same time the empowerment of the social media platforms with the data that was produced by the users and given to those services for granted.

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